Funny/Sad/Happy stories of your chickens

Oh. My. Gosh! That was hilarious!!! Chickens are rotten boogers, there aint no denyin' it

Sounds like when we finally finished our chicken coop. Before they knew it was home, they would sleep on the porch swing, which is right next to our crabapple tree. Well, we moved all the chickens to the coop, and Sunshine was still missing. We looked, AND looked AND looked, to no avail. Finally my little brother saw her - IN THE TREE
After that one even tried to sleep ON THE ROOF
Love the poems and stories!

One of my hens roosts on the chicken coop door EVERY night. So I get her down every night and put her on the roost. Silly Pearly Girly.
So, onmy dad's latest awesome coop, we now have a chicken garage door opener
It's AMAZING!!! He got the garage opener set-up from one of his friends FOR FREE, and set it up in the coop. Now the girls don't have to wait till i wake up to get out!
My dad rocks
So when I went out to take care of the ladies this morning, some of them had frost on their back feathers. I blame them completely because they weren't on the roost with all of their friends. Rosie, my EE, has frost "eyebrows!" It was so funny lookin'! A little mostly black face, with white eyebrows!

It was funny til I found her sister Cadbury with frost all over her face; she had slept right in front of the window, and it was down in the negatives last night
Even the goop in her eyes (she's a bit sick) looked like there was frost in them. Wow, that really detracted from the "funny" story
Yeah, she's sleeping in a nestbox tonight, closer to a heater too, so hopefully she does okay
Lady Jane (OEGB) is a rotten snot. She insists on sleeping with Izzy (cohcin frizzle) but when she gets close enough she starts pecking her!

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