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Who else has bent the truth for their father babies

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In the Brooder
Oct 27, 2018
Hello my name is Mel. I have two feather babies Dolly and snowie. I have had them since three weeks old and are now 3 years old. They are my first chickens I have ever owned and I have loved them like children..

when they were small and needed incubation and protection from the elements dolly and snowie lived in a dog crate inside. I would offer put a towel on my lap and they would perch on my lap or arms while I'd watch tv. Happily content we could sit there for hours. Anyway I may have slightly bent the truth to my partner about the length of there incubation period by a few months too have them inside for longer... only during the night they would graze happily daily.. so I had two full grown chickens for a couple of months watching tv with me in the evening.. now they run to great me when i go outside every day.. they are like my children.

Welcome to BYC!​
Hello Mel and welcome to our community. I hope that you enjoy your time here.

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Best wishes

Pork Pie

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