Funny things that your kids say . . . .

These are all great stories.....I have 2.

Several years ago...when my daughter was about 3...we was in the grocery store...I had her in a shopping cart...and sat her at the end of the isle while I went about 10 feet down the isle to get something...I got about 5 feet from her and she screamed...... MOM, SOMEONE IS GONNA KIDNAP ME!!! Of course everyone came looking, and stareing....I was so embarrased..

Then, last weekend....I had my grandson out for the day. He is an only child, private school, very well dressed every day,(kackie pants and dress shirt) We worked all morning..feeding, cleaning pens, tearing apart old pens...when we went in for lunch sitting on the front porch he said.... Grandma...this is hard work. ( he is 7) I said...yup, we work hard out here in the work is hard. He sat there for a minute, and with a stern face..he said....Grandma...we dont work this hard in the city. Gotta love those kids!!
Yesterday, we made a trip into the city. Hubby and kids were going to the Red Bull Air Races, and I was going shopping. So I did my chores, went in, got dressed, hair and makeup, and came out and said, Do I look ok?

My son, 12 looks at me, and says " Whats the matter Mom, you so used to dressing country, you forgot how to dress city?

It's soo true. I spend most of my days in track pants with rubber boots on--I even go to the general store dressed like that. I rarely put 'city clothes' on anymore.
My Grandson's first visit to the lake this year (he's 2). He looked at the lake, his eyes got real big and he said with awe, "big bath".
My younges son who is 3 was doing something I didn't want him doing and I said If I was a little boy name Wyatt I wouldn't do that. He looked up at me and said If your names was Wyatt then my name would be mommy. I just rolled!!

My brother was in his truck with his 2 girls in the back seat carrying on as usual and he said something to the affect of . . Don't make me come back there. The oldest, who just turned 4, said if you come back here it'll be me and you. How he kept the truck on the road laughing that hard is beyond me.

Ahhh kids - gotta love em.
My oldest son is 3. His name is Kieran James, we've called him Keej as a nickname since he was in utero

Soo... once while he was doing something he wasn't supposed to, I told him to stop. He completely ignored me. I told him he had until the count of 3 to knock it off or I was coming over there. To which he replied "Me not Kieran, me Keej. So there."...

I use the 3 count a lot, he's catching on quick
Again, a few days ago he was playing with the window and I told him to stop or I was counting to 3. To which he replied, "9, 10, ready or not, here I come Momma!"...

Once we were in Walmart and DH yelled at him for something or other. He came barreling down the aisle full of people towards me screaming, "Mommmmmmmma!!!! Poppa's a jack*ss"... Where he learned it, I have NO idea... I was mortified, but since DH can be one, I had to laugh.
Well.. i dont have any kids. but i guess i could be considered one. So i felt like posting one that happened the other day.. we were in the car on the way to my grandparents and my brother starts rocking the car. and told me to do the same thing. so he said "rock to your right and then to the left". I was kind of confused. not really paying attention so i rock to my left. well whole car starts laughing at me and my brother holds his hands out and said. "look, they taught me this in kindergarden, your left head looks like a L. and your right is the opposite". I turn and look at him. with a serious look on my face.. and reply "man.... My teacher was dyslexic.". I guess its not all that funny lol. But someone may enjoy it.
LOL I like the girl with the sparkles in her foot!! My 3 year old daughter is a mess, and is too grown up for her own good! Once she was doing something and I got on to her for it, she said but spongebob squarepants does it. I said spongebob is not real, she said (with a cute little eye roll) I know that mommy, he dont have a crack OR a tummybutton (bellybutton).

She is obsessed with wanting a bra, and I finally got her one, As soon as she got home, she ran to her daddy and shouted look daddy mommy got me a "braaaw"!! Im gonna put it on my "booooobs". They are almost big like yours, and Im gonna keep feeding them (dropping food on her shirt..her grandma tells her she is feeding her boobs) so they will grow way big like mommy's!!! That would not be so bad if 2 guys hubby works with werent there picking up a lawn mower.

Soon after my son was born, we were siting on the bed and she was watching me clip his nails, when I finished, I turned cartoons on to distract her while I changed his diaper. I guess a commercial came on, because she looked over and said mommy, Levi pooped. I said I know, look, whats that on T.V.? She looked at the T.V. and back at the baby. She said EEEEEW Moomy, you need to clip hims butt, hims got sopin hangin!!
When my oldest two boy were about 4 and 6 we had just gotten a golden retriever puppy. The boys were in the back seat of the car and they wanted to know all about the new puppy's mom and dad. A conversation ensued, they really, really, wanted to know why the male dog was even the father, what did he have to do with the puppy? Dog's don't get married and the father dog didn't even live at the same house? The six year old really pressed the issue and it became apparent that the conversation was about more than just dogs. So.....I dove in and told him about the father dog mating with the mother dog, the two of them creating new life. I was pretty proud of how it was going until I heard the four year old sniffing....and then his little voice......"but that's just dogs, right mom? Right?"

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