~>Fury of the Wind<~ (A Bird RP)

Sorry, soand much, other stuff going on. Currently worrying about a chick that doesn't seem to be eating enough.)

Nanako: yea. Sucks ,but that happens often in the pigeon races (it's true.)
(It’s fine, I totally understand :p)

“Those dirty, traitorous, loud-stompers!” Rocket muttered, using the common feral pigeon word for human. “I am-” She stopped and stared at a collection of specks that were rapidly getting closer. As they approached, she realized it was a group of six pigeons, and they were coming right for them.
(Do you have pigeons? You seem to know a lot about pigeon racing.)
No. Theres a few posts i've read on them though. I cannot say I'm an expert so I may be wrong about things to so it's best to look pigeons up and research instead of asking me. I only know what i've read. And even if I did race, I love my birds and would be trying to get them back if they get lost. I'm also sure there are pigeon racers who would be trying to get their bird back)
No. Theres a few posts i've read on them though. I cannot say I'm an expert so I may be wrong about things to so it's best to look pigeons up and research instead of asking me. I only know what i've read. And even if I did race, I love my birds and would be trying to get them back if they get lost. I'm also sure there are pigeon racers who would be trying to get their bird back)
(I asked because I have a pigeon (Neet Neet). To be honest, when I started this rp, I didn’t know that much about domestic pigeons.
The first time I let Neet and his brother out, his brother flew away and didn’t come back. Neet stayed in the pen. I haven’t tried to let him out since. For me, he’s a pet, and I don’t want to risk losing him. :p)
(I asked because I have a pigeon (Neet Neet). To be honest, when I started this rp, I didn’t know that much about domestic pigeons.
The first time I let Neet and his brother out, his brother flew away and didn’t come back. Neet stayed in the pen. I haven’t tried to let him out since. For me, he’s a pet, and I don’t want to risk losing him. :p)
They would be pets for me to. Though if you want to let them out to fly, I know for sure that you can get harnesses and leads for all different kinds of birds (even chickens and conjures)
They would be pets for me to. Though if you want to let them out to fly, I know for sure that you can get harnesses and leads for all different kinds of birds (even chickens and conjures)
(That’s cool! I’m planning to get him a pigeon diaper so he can fly around the house. XD)

Rocket watched the fast-approaching pigeons. She knew that they couldn’t beat all six of them if it came to a fight. “Nana..” she cooed, “I think we might have to fly.”
Fish Sticks considered the question for a lot longer than he usually considered anything. “We gulls don’t group up much,” he explained, “‘cept during nesting season. But I know some places where some small flocks gather.” He said, “A lot of areas bordering the sea and the City- like the pier, docks, and the beach, oh, and the junkyard. And Eggshell Island, where most go to nest. Some do live there permanently.” He looked at Riski and added, “That’s where Vaatras and Oyster live.”

“Bad news?” Blizzard questioned. They landed on a low branch, while the gull careened to the group and fell into a bush. “What bad news?” He looked down at the struggling gull. He was muttering the finest gull curses up at them. Blizzard felt bad for him. He quickly turned away and looked at Moonlight, for once showing some confusion on his face.
“So where should we go? Where would we have the most influence?” Riski asked. “Eggshell Island, probably. Let’s go there.”
When they approached the bay, an updraft carried him into the air effortlessly. He was sailing now. “Just say what I say. The gulls are going to assemble an army like they did not long ago, with you at the prow.”
“News that we weren’t able to capture the fugitives. But perhaps they got the fate they deserved,” Moonlight said, glancing at the lame gull. He would be dead soon enough, with all the predators in the forest.
“Now I must return to report. I’m afraid there’s nothing more we can do. You may return to your flock.” Moonlight flew into the air (was she already flying, I dunno) in the direction they came from.
(Amer, did you see this?
Also, I was wondering if you wanted to make Cement and Russet in house of wolves? Cement’s sorta become an oc of mine. :p)
(I didn’t see it.
Now I really want to make Russet. Can they be foxes though? I’m gonna mix up my dogs and coyotes otherwise.)
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(That’s cool! I’m planning to get him a pigeon diaper so he can fly around the house. XD)

Rocket watched the fast-approaching pigeons. She knew that they couldn’t beat all six of them if it came to a fight. “Nana..” she cooed, “I think we might have to fly.”
*nanako watched the fast approaching pigeons cautiously, trying to predict what they might do next.*
“So where should we go? Where would we have the most influence?” Riski asked. “Eggshell Island, probably. Let’s go there.”
When they approached the bay, an updraft carried him into the air effortlessly. He was sailing now. “Just say what I say. The gulls are going to assemble an army like they did not long ago, with you at the prow.”
“News that we weren’t able to capture the fugitives. But perhaps they got the fate they deserved,” Moonlight said, glancing at the lame gull. He would be dead soon enough, with all the predators in the forest.
“Now I must return to report. I’m afraid there’s nothing more we can do. You may return to your flock.” Moonlight flew into the air (was she already flying, I dunno) in the direction they came from.

(I didn’t see it.
Now I really want to make Russet. Can they be foxes though? I’m gonna mix up my dogs and coyotes otherwise.)
“Eggsh-“ Fish Sticks froze mid-flap, and would’ve fallen into the bay if the wind hadn’t been carrying him. “That’s- that’s where Vaatras and Oyster live!” He stuttered, flapping harder to make up for his shorter wingspan. When Fish Sticks had thought about adventures, being beat up by Vaatras had not been what he imagined.

“We caught the fugitive, though!” Blizzard protested. We can’t just give up now. Not after.. all I’ve had to do for this mission. “There has to be some way..” He muttered.

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