~>Fury of the Wind<~ (A Bird RP)

Blizzard watched Moonlight in her indecision with some annoyance. “Let’s go to the ground for now.” He cooed up at her, not wanting to continue flying in this awkward position. The gull was half dragging them, and they were half dragging him.

(Who are they assaulting, anyway? I feel bad for him. XD Is it Ritz Crackers?)
Cement didn’t respond, as usual, and instead gave him a look to signal her acknowledgement of his words. She scanned their surroundings, trying to tune out the sounds of the flailing gull, and attempted to order her thoughts so she could come up with a solution. The only thing she could think of was for one of them to fly to the gang for more bird power. But that would take time. And it was starting to get dark. “I’m not sure,” she finally cooed.

Fish Sticks eagerly followed, almost flying straight into Riski. When his companion had exited the window, he jumped jubilantly, if a little clumsily, into the air. Flapping hard to gain altitude, he finally found a draft where he could soar towards the edge of the forest.
“I’ll fly back,” Russet said. Now that he didn’t have to slow down to follow the squab, Nickle, he could use all of the power he had in his barrel chest. Which was a lot. He was a pigeon, and they were the fastest and strongest fliers alive.
He didn’t even bring the sun into account. Probably a poor decision, but Russet was very spontaneous.
Riski soared above the line of trees, flying faster and easier. The more space he put between himself and the trees, the better he felt. This time, Fish Sticks could fly about as well as he could, since he didn’t have the prevailing winds to propel him from the see. Indeed, he would do better than most albatrosses in this situation due to their weight and long, slim wings, but Riski had many years practice since he was an official meddler, fugitive, and associate in too many places to count, some being pretty far from the shore.
“Where do the gulls like to congregate?”
Blizzard watched Moonlight in her indecision with some annoyance. “Let’s go to the ground for now.” He cooed up at her, not wanting to continue flying in this awkward position. The gull was half dragging them, and they were half dragging him.

(Who are they assaulting, anyway? I feel bad for him. XD Is it Ritz Crackers?)
(Bagel Bite. Apparently his species is a black-headed type gull. I had no idea he was until recently. My only excuse is... pigeons can tell no gulls apart, even the super obvious ones.)
Moonlight closed her eyes when the stress attacked her and sighed, which is always a poor decision when you’re flying. She narrowly missed an entire tree-trunk.
“Okay,” she said. “We’ll leave him behind. He won’t get far, he’ll get eaten soon, or found by ravens, sitting on the ground like that.” But that was what she said when she injured him the last time. But now she was more sure she had truly lamed him. “I’ll tell General One-Toe the bad news.” That the whole mission was a total bust. “And I’ll put in a good word for you,” she added.
“I’ll fly back,” Russet said. Now that he didn’t have to slow down to follow the squab, Nickle, he could use all of the power he had in his barrel chest. Which was a lot. He was a pigeon, and they were the fastest and strongest fliers alive.
He didn’t even bring the sun into account. Probably a poor decision, but Russet was very spontaneous.
Riski soared above the line of trees, flying faster and easier. The more space he put between himself and the trees, the better he felt. This time, Fish Sticks could fly about as well as he could, since he didn’t have the prevailing winds to propel him from the see. Indeed, he would do better than most albatrosses in this situation due to their weight and long, slim wings, but Riski had many years practice since he was an official meddler, fugitive, and associate in too many places to count, some being pretty far from the shore.
“Where do the gulls like to congregate?”

(Bagel Bite. Apparently his species is a black-headed type gull. I had no idea he was until recently. My only excuse is... pigeons can tell no gulls apart, even the super obvious ones.)
Moonlight closed her eyes when the stress attacked her and sighed, which is always a poor decision when you’re flying. She narrowly missed an entire tree-trunk.
“Okay,” she said. “We’ll leave him behind. He won’t get far, he’ll get eaten soon, or found by ravens, sitting on the ground like that.” But that was what she said when she injured him the last time. But now she was more sure she had truly lamed him. “I’ll tell General One-Toe the bad news.” That the whole mission was a total bust. “And I’ll put in a good word for you,” she added.
Cement nodded gratefully. “Thank you.” She cooed. The plan wasn’t the greatest, but it was all they got. If she had been alone, she might’ve stayed there for the next couple of weeks internally debating the best course of action. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Rus.” She added, then hopped onto an old lawn chair so she could better watch her surroundings.
Fish Sticks considered the question for a lot longer than he usually considered anything. “We gulls don’t group up much,” he explained, “‘cept during nesting season. But I know some places where some small flocks gather.” He said, “A lot of areas bordering the sea and the City- like the pier, docks, and the beach, oh, and the junkyard. And Eggshell Island, where most go to nest. Some do live there permanently.” He looked at Riski and added, “That’s where Vaatras and Oyster live.”

“Bad news?” Blizzard questioned. They landed on a low branch, while the gull careened to the group and fell into a bush. “What bad news?” He looked down at the struggling gull. He was muttering the finest gull curses up at them. Blizzard felt bad for him. He quickly turned away and looked at Moonlight, for once showing some confusion on his face.
Cement nodded gratefully. “Thank you.” She cooed. The plan wasn’t the greatest, but it was all they got. If she had been alone, she might’ve stayed there for the next couple of weeks internally debating the best course of action. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Rus.” She added, then hopped onto an old lawn chair so she could better watch her surroundings.
(Best rp pair ever.)
Russet gave her a wink, “No problem, Concrete.”
He shot into the sky and zoomed towards the bridge where their gang hung out at eighty miles per hour.
Dusty was there, along with Toren and Terra. (Toren is a male and Terra is a female character in Cement’s gang I’m gonna npc just for the purpose of aiding them.)
“Heyyyy....” Russet said. The only indication of his exhaustion after the speedy flight was the drawn-out nature of his greeting so he could catch his breath afterwards. He liked to hide those points of weakness.
Toren turned his head and full attention towards Russet.” Terra looked up, saw who it was, and muttered “Hi.”
“Cement and I need you guys’ help. To lift a captured gull. Follow me,” Russet said briefly, trying to normalize his blood-oxygen levels.
(Best rp pair ever.)
Russet gave her a wink, “No problem, Concrete.”
He shot into the sky and zoomed towards the bridge where their gang hung out at eighty miles per hour.
Dusty was there, along with Toren and Terra. (Toren is a male and Terra is a female character in Cement’s gang I’m gonna npc just for the purpose of aiding them.)
“Heyyyy....” Russet said. The only indication of his exhaustion after the speedy flight was the drawn-out nature of his greeting so he could catch his breath afterwards. He liked to hide those points of weakness.
Toren turned his head and full attention towards Russet.” Terra looked up, saw who it was, and muttered “Hi.”
“Cement and I need you guys’ help. To lift a captured gull. Follow me,” Russet said briefly, trying to normalize his blood-oxygen levels.
Dusty shook out his feathers, which only made them more ruffled. “Ok, where is she?” He asked easily, not seeming at all alarmed about the prospect of carry a captured gull. He tended not to ask questions about such things.
Meanwhile, Cement paced uneasily, Salty Fries occasionally giving her an indignant squawk. I hope they’re back soon.
Dusty shook out his feathers, which only made them more ruffled. “Ok, where is she?” He asked easily, not seeming at all alarmed about the prospect of carry a captured gull. He tended not to ask questions about such things.
Meanwhile, Cement paced uneasily, Salty Fries occasionally giving her an indignant squawk. I hope they’re back soon.
“The junkyard,” Russet replied simply. He had regained his breath by then.
Terra opened her mouth to ask “What do we need a captured junkyard gull for?” but all that came out of her mouth was “Wha-“ before Russet interrupted.
“Look, it’ll be dark soon and we don’t have a lot of time so let’s go,” he said without pausing for breath.
Toren shrugged his wings. “Okay, I’m following you.”
Russet flew back into the air with Toren close behind. Seeing Toren in the air caused Terra to fly as well.
“The junkyard,” Russet replied simply. He had regained his breath by then.
Terra opened her mouth to ask “What do we need a captured junkyard gull for?” but all that came out of her mouth was “Wha-“ before Russet interrupted.
“Look, it’ll be dark soon and we don’t have a lot of time so let’s go,” he said without pausing for breath.
Toren shrugged his wings. “Okay, I’m following you.”
Russet flew back into the air with Toren close behind. Seeing Toren in the air caused Terra to fly as well.
Dusty flapped after them. He squinted at the horizon. The day was quickly darkening. Better look out for owls. He reminded himself.
Fish Sticks considered the question for a lot longer than he usually considered anything. “We gulls don’t group up much,” he explained, “‘cept during nesting season. But I know some places where some small flocks gather.” He said, “A lot of areas bordering the sea and the City- like the pier, docks, and the beach, oh, and the junkyard. And Eggshell Island, where most go to nest. Some do live there permanently.” He looked at Riski and added, “That’s where Vaatras and Oyster live.”

“Bad news?” Blizzard questioned. They landed on a low branch, while the gull careened to the group and fell into a bush. “What bad news?” He looked down at the struggling gull. He was muttering the finest gull curses up at them. Blizzard felt bad for him. He quickly turned away and looked at Moonlight, for once showing some confusion on his face.
(Amer, did you see this?
Also, I was wondering if you wanted to make Cement and Russet in house of wolves? Cement’s sorta become an oc of mine. :p)
“Raised by humans!” Rocket stuck her head straight up out of her feathers. “That’s strange.” She muttered. She shook her head in confusion. “So.. these humans fed you and cared for you, but then abandoned you?” She asked. It perplexed her. But it also felt familiar. Her own mother had disappeared shortly after her father died.. which had, in Rocket’s mind, eventually resulted in the death of her sister. Me and Nanako came from such different backgrounds, but we’re sorta the same.
(@Anime2lover )

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