~>Fury of the Wind<~ (A Bird RP)

(I like how the pigeons have to work hard and to the bitter end for their accomplishments, then Fish Sticks gets it handed to him on a silver platter. Easy Street.)
“Welp, that solves a lot of our problems,” said Ritz, staring down at Fish Sticks.
Riski soared down from above like an angel, landing heavily on the rocks beside them and sending a couple skittering down on Vaatras.
“My gulls!” he belowed. “Your leader Fish Sticks has returned!”
He gestured to the muddy, crusty Fish Sticks.
“Who’s that?”
“Looks like a not-gull to me!”
“What sorta notgul trickery is this?”
“Get off the cliff!”

Vaatras flapped his wings and started to soar in circles above the island, gathering his followers. Once he had gained a suitable number where there was no risk to him, they would attack that big ol’ gull-thing and his odd companions.

Amid the clammer, Fish Sticks looked down at his big webbed feet. “Hey Riski,” he squawked quietly, “I don’t think this is working.”
(I like how the pigeons have to work hard and to the bitter end for their accomplishments, then Fish Sticks gets it handed to him on a silver platter. Easy Street.)
“Welp, that solves a lot of our problems,” said Ritz, staring down at Fish Sticks.
Riski soared down from above like an angel, landing heavily on the rocks beside them and sending a couple skittering down on Vaatras.
“My gulls!” he belowed. “Your leader Fish Sticks has returned!”
He gestured to the muddy, crusty Fish Sticks.
“Who’s that?”
“Looks like a not-gull to me!”
( :lol: if only Fish Sticks was smarter, he could rule the world. Though if he was smarter he probably wouldn’t get himself into these situations.)
“What sorta notgul trickery is this?”
“Get off the cliff!”

Vaatras flapped his wings and started to soar in circles above the island, gathering his followers. Once he had gained a suitable number where there was no risk to him, they would attack that big ol’ gull-thing and his odd companions.

Amid the clammer, Fish Sticks looked down at his big webbed feet. “Hey Riski,” he squawked quietly, “I don’t think this is working.”
(nice avatar)
"Clearly they don't recognize you," said Ritz.
"HEY EVERYBODY! That there is Fish Sticks, your leader. OF COURSE he's a little muddy after coming back from the dead!"
(nice avatar)
"Clearly they don't recognize you," said Ritz.
"HEY EVERYBODY! That there is Fish Sticks, your leader. OF COURSE he's a little muddy after coming back from the dead!"
Instantly, there was a silence unheard of in the gulls of Eggshell Island.

Two seconds later (a world record for gull silence), everyone was shouting again.

“Whattaya mean?!”
“That’s a notgul.. a…. errrr.. PETREL!”
“Fish Sticks came back to life?!”
“He’s dead!”
“Fish Sticks?”
“How’s he back??”

Fish Sticks felt a little annoyed. They thought he was dead? That was just plain rude.
“Listen here!” Fish Sticks squawked, “I am not dead! If I was, I wouldn’t be out here talkin’ to all of ya!”

Having gotten the crowd’s attention, Fish Sticks hastily added the thing that Ritz and Riski had seemed so anxious to tell him.
“We needa, uhm, fight those bad pigeons!”

There was muttering in the crowd. Even though this ‘gull’ looked weird, he had beaten Vaatras..

And if he was really Fish Sticks…

Fish Sticks, feeling confident and a bit proud of his ‘speech’, belted out another proclamation.
“After we beat the pigeons, we can fight those dang squirrels next!!”

The crowd burst into raucous discussion, partly about which was worst, pigeons or squirrels. Someone muttered to their companion,
“yeah, that’s Fish Sticks, alright.”
Instantly, there was a silence unheard of in the gulls of Eggshell Island.

Two seconds later (a world record for gull silence), everyone was shouting again.

“Whattaya mean?!”
“That’s a notgul.. a…. errrr.. PETREL!”
“Fish Sticks came back to life?!”
“He’s dead!”
“Fish Sticks?”
“How’s he back??”

Fish Sticks felt a little annoyed. They thought he was dead? That was just plain rude.
“Listen here!” Fish Sticks squawked, “I am not dead! If I was, I wouldn’t be out here talkin’ to all of ya!”

Having gotten the crowd’s attention, Fish Sticks hastily added the thing that Ritz and Riski had seemed so anxious to tell him.
“We needa, uhm, fight those bad pigeons!”

There was muttering in the crowd. Even though this ‘gull’ looked weird, he had beaten Vaatras..

And if he was really Fish Sticks…

Fish Sticks, feeling confident and a bit proud of his ‘speech’, belted out another proclamation.
“After we beat the pigeons, we can fight those dang squirrels next!!”

The crowd burst into raucous discussion, partly about which was worst, pigeons or squirrels. Someone muttered to their companion,
“yeah, that’s Fish Sticks, alright.”
Their companion replied, “Yeah, that Fish Sticks is alright.”
The general consensus was that the pigeons must be fought because of the raids on the coast. Besides, such a strong leader ought to be followed, especially when he was so good at speeches. Battle with the pigeons had been the original plan.
*dane fluttered out of the encirclement when she created an opening.*

*nanako huffed and tackled a pigeon that was about to go after rocket.*
Russet battled furiously against his armed attacker with a serious of quick pecks and wing beats.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sulliver scratch his beloved mate.
“Cement!” he cooed, turning in her direction, leaving an opening for his attacker. He slashed towards Russet’s neck, but missed, cutting a small gouge in Russet’s crop (which wasn’t inflated for once).
Russet cried out and jumped back, staring at the hole in his chest. Fluffy bits of popcorn and water leaked out. “Hehe,” he said, smiling at the perpetrator and laughing in an unbalanced way. “It’s a good thing I didn’t have much for breakfast. It seems the effort would have been wasted.”
He took another step back.
He thrust into the air
Then he hurled himself towards Sulliver, torn digestive organ and all. He didn’t see this as Cement’s fight. His mate was in danger, and Sulliver was a horrible pigeon who needed to go down. Simple as that.
“Poetic, eh, Sulliver?” he said, slamming Sulliver up against the wall. “All your scheming, only for you to hit a CEMENT wall. Too bad your name couldn’t be used in a metaphor, maybe then you could get out of this situation.”
Rocket grunted as a pigeon flew into her. It was the traitorous lieutenant, though Rocket didn’t know that. She slapped at her opponent, her razor-talons gone, still under the bridge that Cement’s gang called home. The lieutenant smiled and slashed towards Rocket, leaving a deep wound under her wing.
Cement and Russet’s allies were outnumbered. General One-Toe was nowhere to be seen, but she couldn’t have escaped, being unable to fly. The ranks of Cement’s gangs were being shattered by the brutal attacks of the hawk. Suliver was pinned by Russet, but Cement couldn’t hold back his reinforcements much longer.

It was an unfair fight, a losing battle from the beginning.

Cement was only just realizing that she had led her gang and her allies to their slaughter. She could do nothing but defend Russet from an increasing number of enemies as her heart filled with despair.

Rocket struggled against the lieutenant, her claws the only thing stopping her opponent’s razor-talons from plunging into her chest.

“Nan.. Nanako!” Rocket grunted, unable to yell due to the weight on her chest. She looked to her side, trying to locate her friend, and saw a shard of glass which had come off someone’s leg during battle. She reached towards it with her wing, trying to flick it towards her, but it was just too far away.

Dang it!

Suddenly, the pigeon who had been trying to stab Rocket stilled. Her eyes widened, but not because of her opponent. She whipped her head around to stare at the sky.

There, in the distance, you could just hear the sound of screeching. Or, more precisely, squawking.

The seagulls had come.
I wrote a response but the internet didn’t want to send it so it was deleted…
Russet gazed up at the beautiful white and grey birds soaring to the rescue, then gazed back at his opponent Sulliver.
The gulls swooped down for the slaughter like the creatures of war they were. Ritz didn’t actually do any damage because he was small, but Riski managed to kill four pigeons (through squishing, slapping, biting etc) before they realized they should stay off the roof and far away from him, where he did his best fighting. (Takeoff for an albatross isn’t the prettiest thing you could watch.) He spread his great wings and stood next to Cement and any antagonizers immediately gave her a good two meter berth.
“Hey, that’s my job,” Russet muttered.
As his comrade screamed in terror while being attacked by a big old western gull, Russet growled with annoyance.
“You idiots! You’re attacking the wrong birds! You’re supposed to attack the other side!”

The gull stopped what he was doing. “Well how am I supposed to know what the right side is?” he said reasonably. “Maybe you should wear color-coded uniforms. Maybe you’re the wrong side.”
“And then we fight for our favorite color?” suggested his friend. She had a raspy, annoying voice, like a small dog with laryngitis.
“No, you fishbrain,” said the western gull. “You fight for Cement’s side.”
I wrote a response but the internet didn’t want to send it so it was deleted…
Russet gazed up at the beautiful white and grey birds soaring to the rescue, then gazed back at his opponent Sulliver.
The gulls swooped down for the slaughter like the creatures of war they were. Ritz didn’t actually do any damage because he was small, but Riski managed to kill four pigeons (through squishing, slapping, biting etc) before they realized they should stay off the roof and far away from him, where he did his best fighting. (Takeoff for an albatross isn’t the prettiest thing you could watch.) He spread his great wings and stood next to Cement and any antagonizers immediately gave her a good two meter berth.
“Hey, that’s my job,” Russet muttered.
As his comrade screamed in terror while being attacked by a big old western gull, Russet growled with annoyance.
“You idiots! You’re attacking the wrong birds! You’re supposed to attack the other side!”

The gull stopped what he was doing. “Well how am I supposed to know what the right side is?” he said reasonably. “Maybe you should wear color-coded uniforms. Maybe you’re the wrong side.”
“And then we fight for our favorite color?” suggested his friend. She had a raspy, annoying voice, like a small dog with laryngitis.
“No, you fishbrain,” said the western gull. “You fight for Cement’s side.”
Cement smiled, her chest swelling with hope, as she watched the seagulls descend. Then her smile vanished as she watched one of her fighters being stepped on by a huge gull.

“Gulls!” Cement shouted, “attack the pigeons on offense! Don’t attack a pigeon unless they’re fighting back!”

I hope the gulls know what “offense” means.

Suliver wriggled in Russet’s grasp, temporarily loosened by distraction, and cut at his leg. He flapped his wings, trying to dislodge his opponent.
(You have permission to badly injure or kill Suliver)

Fish Sticks descended from the sky, and, in all his clumsy glory, crashed right into a group of pigeons, knocking them over like bowling pins.

“Oops!” Fish Sticks squawked, getting up and trying to dust off the stunned pigeons. “Sorry ‘bout that.”

Half of the pigeons stumbled up and shakily flew away, but the other ones got up and started towards Fish Sticks.

Fish Sticks’ amnesiac, concussed brain turned its gears and he abruptly remembered that the pigeons (well, at least some of them) were his enemies. “I mean, I’m not sorry! No oops!” He lifted his wings in what he hoped was an aggressive gesture.

The white-flighted lieutenant quickly let go of Rocket and stepped back, still looking around at the gulls. This isn’t looking good. It’s time I retreat. She cast a look to where she had last seen Suliver. Hopefully that oaf is still alive to keep the troops together if there’s still a chance to win.

While the lieutenant’s head was turned, Rocket grabbed the nearby razor-talon and thrust it right into her thigh.
Cement smiled, her chest swelling with hope, as she watched the seagulls descend. Then her smile vanished as she watched one of her fighters being stepped on by a huge gull.

“Gulls!” Cement shouted, “attack the pigeons on offense! Don’t attack a pigeon unless they’re fighting back!”

I hope the gulls know what “offense” means.

Suliver wriggled in Russet’s grasp, temporarily loosened by distraction, and cut at his leg. He flapped his wings, trying to dislodge his opponent.
(You have permission to badly injure or kill Suliver)

Fish Sticks descended from the sky, and, in all his clumsy glory, crashed right into a group of pigeons, knocking them over like bowling pins.

“Oops!” Fish Sticks squawked, getting up and trying to dust off the stunned pigeons. “Sorry ‘bout that.”

Half of the pigeons stumbled up and shakily flew away, but the other ones got up and started towards Fish Sticks.

Fish Sticks’ amnesiac, concussed brain turned its gears and he abruptly remembered that the pigeons (well, at least some of them) were his enemies. “I mean, I’m not sorry! No oops!” He lifted his wings in what he hoped was an aggressive gesture.

The white-flighted lieutenant quickly let go of Rocket and stepped back, still looking around at the gulls. This isn’t looking good. It’s time I retreat. She cast a look to where she had last seen Suliver. Hopefully that oaf is still alive to keep the troops together if there’s still a chance to win.

While the lieutenant’s head was turned, Rocket grabbed the nearby razor-talon and thrust it right into her thigh.
(How come my writing is so good and hilarious in this rp and in no other application?)
The gulls put their best effort into attacking the right foes.

Russet felt a slash in his right leg. Blood welled between his red scales, just above the spot where his razor claws hung. Now his crop was torn and his leg was slashed.
He flew over Sulliver’s head, slashing deep into his neck with his razor claw as he rose, spinning and landing to face Sulliver’s back. His own blood ran down his razor claw, but so did Sulliver’s.
Russet’s blood mingled with Sulliver’s own on Sulliver’s neck. “Brother-in-law, consider us blood brothers now.”
Fish Sticks’ amnesiac, concussed brain turned its gears and he abruptly remembered that the pigeons (well, at least some of them) were his enemies. “I mean, I’m not sorry! No oops!” He lifted his wings in what he hoped was an aggressive gesture.
Ritz Crackers flew to Fish Stick’s rescue.
A pigeon casually slashed at his foot. “Hey, ouch!” He jumped back.

Russet flew up and hovered above Sulliver.
“Now, don’t expect to die quickly from that kind of wound,” Russet growled. “I should know. That’s how I found my mother. Neck gaping open. She didn’t die then. She was too weak to get food, that didn’t kill her either. You know how she died? Her neck was swollen, squirming with maggots, flies buzzed around her, waiting for her to die. The flies killed her. Your blade wasn’t sharp enough. Your cut wasn’t deep enough. Even a lieutenant would have some twisted sense of honor and finish her properly. You were responsible for her suffering. You or one of your gang, which are just an extension of your depraved talons. That’s the kind of death you deserve. Slow, painful. Helpless.”

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