~>Fury of the Wind<~ (A Bird RP)

(How come my writing is so good and hilarious in this rp and in no other application?)
The gulls put their best effort into attacking the right foes.

Russet felt a slash in his right leg. Blood welled between his red scales, just above the spot where his razor claws hung. Now his crop was torn and his leg was slashed.
He flew over Sulliver’s head, slashing deep into his neck with his razor claw as he rose, spinning and landing to face Sulliver’s back. His own blood ran down his razor claw, but so did Sulliver’s.
Russet’s blood mingled with Sulliver’s own on Sulliver’s neck. “Brother-in-law, consider us blood brothers now.”
(What are you talking about? Your writing is always good! Though maybe you’re able to write more because you know the characters better? We have been writing in this rp for… 4 years :eek:)
Suliver swayed, the sudden attack leaving him no time to react. He stumbled to the side, body turning to face Russet. He tried to speak, his beak opening to reveal a mouth already slick with blood, but all his could manage was a gurgle before he fell to the ground once again. He looked up at the sky with one fiery orange eye, then stilled.

Cement, her attackers having been driven away by gulls, flapped over. She locked eyes with Russet and gave him a reassuring nod. It was the right thing to do.

Cement bent her head down to Suliver’s. His eyes were already glassy, his body still and lifeless.
“Goodbye, brother.” She murmured, the words quiet enough that they were for her dead sibling alone. She took a talon and carefully closed Suliver’s eye.

Cement only lingered for a moment by Suliver’s body before taking flight again. She didn’t even have the time to console her mate, knowing that the battle wasn’t over. There were still many lives that hung in the balance.

“Suliver’s gang!” Cement shouted, her voice loud and piercing for once. “Your leader is DEAD! Stop this fight!”

Cement inhaled.

“Stop these pointless deaths!”
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Ritz Crackers flew to Fish Stick’s rescue.
A pigeon casually slashed at his foot. “Hey, ouch!” He jumped back.

Russet flew up and hovered above Sulliver.
“Now, don’t expect to die quickly from that kind of wound,” Russet growled. “I should know. That’s how I found my mother. Neck gaping open. She didn’t die then. She was too weak to get food, that didn’t kill her either. You know how she died? Her neck was swollen, squirming with maggots, flies buzzed around her, waiting for her to die. The flies killed her. Your blade wasn’t sharp enough. Your cut wasn’t deep enough. Even a lieutenant would have some twisted sense of honor and finish her properly. You were responsible for her suffering. You or one of your gang, which are just an extension of your depraved talons. That’s the kind of death you deserve. Slow, painful. Helpless.”
(Ohhh oops I need to edit my response I didn’t see this XD
Don’t reply I’ll change it)
(How come my writing is so good and hilarious in this rp and in no other application?)
The gulls put their best effort into attacking the right foes.

Russet felt a slash in his right leg. Blood welled between his red scales, just above the spot where his razor claws hung. Now his crop was torn and his leg was slashed.
He flew over Sulliver’s head, slashing deep into his neck with his razor claw as he rose, spinning and landing to face Sulliver’s back. His own blood ran down his razor claw, but so did Sulliver’s.
Russet’s blood mingled with Sulliver’s own on Sulliver’s neck. “Brother-in-law, consider us blood brothers now.”
Ritz Crackers flew to Fish Stick’s rescue.
A pigeon casually slashed at his foot. “Hey, ouch!” He jumped back.

Russet flew up and hovered above Sulliver.
“Now, don’t expect to die quickly from that kind of wound,” Russet growled. “I should know. That’s how I found my mother. Neck gaping open. She didn’t die then. She was too weak to get food, that didn’t kill her either. You know how she died? Her neck was swollen, squirming with maggots, flies buzzed around her, waiting for her to die. The flies killed her. Your blade wasn’t sharp enough. Your cut wasn’t deep enough. Even a lieutenant would have some twisted sense of honor and finish her properly. You were responsible for her suffering. You or one of your gang, which are just an extension of your depraved talons. That’s the kind of death you deserve. Slow, painful. Helpless.”
Suliver swayed, the sudden attack leaving him no time to react. He stumbled to the side, body turning to face Russet.
“You.. traitor..” Suliver managed between gasps. He coughed, stumbled forward, and slashed a clumsy razor-talon at the fiery pigeon, but Russet just kept talking.

Cement, her attackers having been driven away by gulls, flapped over. She flew at Suliver, pushing him to the ground to stop his futile attacks, and then landed by Russet. She watched Suliver’s blood running down his chest, her gaze cold, but not cruel. She hated what Suliver had done, but he was still her brother. A brother who was terrible, and deserved punishment, but still a brother. There was a time when they had roosted and fought together. And now she gazed at his bleeding body, feeling sorrow, sorrow that this had to happen, but she did not feel regret.
It was the right thing to do.
(What are you talking about? Your writing is always good! Though maybe you’re able to write more because you know the characters better? We have been writing in this rp for… 4 years :eek:)
Suliver swayed, the sudden attack leaving him no time to react. He stumbled to the side, body turning to face Russet. He tried to speak, his beak opening to reveal a mouth already slick with blood, but all his could manage was a gurgle before he fell to the ground once again. He looked up at the sky with one fiery orange eye, then stilled.

Cement, her attackers having been driven away by gulls, flapped over. She locked eyes with Russet and gave him a reassuring nod. It was the right thing to do.

Cement bent her head down to Suliver’s. His eyes were already glassy, his body still and lifeless.
“Goodbye, brother.” She murmured, the words quiet enough that they were for her dead sibling alone. She took a talon and carefully closed Suliver’s eye.

Cement only lingered for a moment by Suliver’s body before taking flight again. She didn’t even have the time to console her mate, knowing that the battle wasn’t over. There were still many lives that hung in the balance.

“Suliver’s gang!” Cement shouted, her voice loud and piercing for once. “Your leader is DEAD! Stop this fight!”

Cement inhaled.

“Stop these pointless deaths!”
(I really do know these characters well. I love them so much. I have trouble making new characters with all the unfinished rps I’ve joined/created.)
Suliver swayed, the sudden attack leaving him no time to react. He stumbled to the side, body turning to face Russet.
“You.. traitor..” Suliver managed between gasps. He coughed, stumbled forward, and slashed a clumsy razor-talon at the fiery pigeon, but Russet just kept talking.

Cement, her attackers having been driven away by gulls, flapped over. She flew at Suliver, pushing him to the ground to stop his futile attacks, and then landed by Russet. She watched Suliver’s blood running down his chest, her gaze cold, but not cruel. She hated what Suliver had done, but he was still her brother. A brother who was terrible, and deserved punishment, but still a brother. There was a time when they had roosted and fought together. And now she gazed at his bleeding body, feeling sorrow, sorrow that this had to happen, but she did not feel regret.
It was the right thing to do.
Russet landed on Suliver, pinning his wings down. Staring into his eyes.
“But I’m not you, Sulliver.”
He shoved his blade deep within Sulliver’s neck, ripping it out through tubes, tendons and arteries. He leapt out of the way as blood shot out. He’d hit the jugular. Just 30 seconds, and the throes of death would begin. (Sorry about your other post, it was really nice. But with a dull, awkward blade like that he would not die with that kind of cut, I know from experience. 😶)
(I really do know these characters well. I love them so much. I have trouble making new characters with all the unfinished rps I’ve joined/created.)

Russet landed on Suliver, pinning his wings down. Staring into his eyes.
“But I’m not you, Sulliver.”
He shoved his blade deep within Sulliver’s neck, ripping it out through tubes, tendons and arteries. He leapt out of the way as blood shot out. He’d hit the jugular. Just 30 seconds, and the throes of death would begin. (Sorry about your other post, it was really nice. But with a dull, awkward blade like that he would not die with that kind of cut, I know from experience. 😶)
(Yeah, I haven’t made new characters for a while, just reusing the old ocs)

Suliver thrashed, beak opening and closing to reveal a throat slick with blood. He spasmed once more and then went still.

Cement looked down at the lifeless body of Suliver. She looked at his blood-soaked feathers, and finally, at his wide eyes, usually sparkling with cruelty but now just showing the surprise he had felt in his last moments.

“Goodbye, brother.” Cement murmured.

Cement only lingered for a moment by Suliver’s body before taking flight again. The battle wasn’t over. There were still many lives that hung in the balance.

“Suliver’s gang!” Cement shouted, her voice loud and piercing for once. “Your leader is DEAD! Stop this fight!”

Cement inhaled.

“Stop these pointless deaths!”
(Yeah, I haven’t made new characters for a while, just reusing the old ocs)

Suliver thrashed, beak opening and closing to reveal a throat slick with blood. He spasmed once more and then went still.

Cement looked down at the lifeless body of Suliver. She looked at his blood-soaked feathers, and finally, at his wide eyes, usually sparkling with cruelty but now just showing the surprise he had felt in his last moments.

“Goodbye, brother.” Cement murmured.

Cement only lingered for a moment by Suliver’s body before taking flight again. The battle wasn’t over. There were still many lives that hung in the balance.

“Suliver’s gang!” Cement shouted, her voice loud and piercing for once. “Your leader is DEAD! Stop this fight!”

Cement inhaled.

“Stop these pointless deaths!”
The pigeons paused. They were getting bodies by the gulls anyway.
One spoke. “If we do not follow Sulliver, who will we follow?”
The pigeons paused. They were getting bodies by the gulls anyway.
One spoke. “If we do not follow Sulliver, who will we follow?”
Cement perched on a pillar of cement ( :p) and stood up straight, having gathered at least half of the warring birds’ attentions.

“You will be led not by an all-powerful general, but by your gang leader—”

One of the gang leaders who had followed Suliver, and even now fought bravely, or perhaps foolishly, against the gulls, spoke up.

I will lead the pigeons! I am Rubble, and my gang and Suliver’s gang stands behind me!”

Rubble’s statement was a bold claim, but he confidently continued on, “Keep fighting, you cowards! This soft bird isn’t our leader!”
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Cement perched on a pillar of cement :)p) and stood up straight, having gathered at least half of the warring birds’ attentions.

“You will be led not by an all-powerful general, but by your gang leader—”

One of the gang leaders who had followed Suliver, and even now fought bravely, or perhaps foolishly, against the gulls, spoke up.

I will lead the pigeons! I am Rubble, and my gang and Suliver’s gang stands behind me!”

Rubble’s statement was a bold claim, but he confidently continued on, “Keep fighting, you cowards! This soft bird isn’t our leader!”
“You can’t lead all the pigeons,” said Russet. “Because I won’t follow you.”
“You can’t lead all the pigeons,” said Russet. “Because I won’t follow you.”
Rubble glared at him angrily. “You—”

“I won’t follow you either!” Cooed a pigeon from Suliver’s gang who was currently getting his feathers ripped out by a gull.

“Yeah, me neither!”

“I’m not following a dumpster-diver!”

“Rubble can’t even lead his own gang properly!”

Rubble opened his beak, ready to unleash his anger on the outspoken pigeons, but then he was tackled by a gull.

(I just realized I completely forgot about the hawk, I’m just going to say he’s being held down by a gull right now XD)

“Listen, pigeons!” Cement cooed, forcing her voice to be louder than the new outbursts from the crowd. “I am allied with the gulls! Your leader, Suliver, is dead, and your hawk has been defeated. Surrender and you will face no consequences for this coup!”

Pop, the leader of the gang allied with Cement, limped forward. There was an oozing puncture wound on his back and he was missing another toe, but he stood straight and proud.

“My gang supports you, Cement.”

A gang leader who had been uninvolved, but attacked by Suliver anyway, stepped forward. She was missing all her tail feathers. “My gang and I are in your debt. I follow you, Cement.”

The surviving lieutenants who had been loyal to the General also pledged their loyalty to Cement.

Cement looked around, a rising sense of alarm building in her chest. She hadn’t planned for this to happen. But, with General One-Toe nowhere to be seen, what could she do other than accept the responsibility?

With that realization came a grim feeling of acceptance. If there was no General, the gang leaders would return to constant warring, and life would return to that of the old days…

Like it or not, Cement would be the new General. At least, until they could find another pigeon capable of leadership.

If there was one…

“I will serve the pigeons as best I can.”
Rubble glared at him angrily. “You—”

“I won’t follow you either!” Cooed a pigeon from Suliver’s gang who was currently getting his feathers ripped out by a gull.

“Yeah, me neither!”

“I’m not following a dumpster-diver!”

“Rubble can’t even lead his own gang properly!”

Rubble opened his beak, ready to unleash his anger on the outspoken pigeons, but then he was tackled by a gull.

(I just realized I completely forgot about the hawk, I’m just going to say he’s being held down by a gull right now XD)

“Listen, pigeons!” Cement cooed, forcing her voice to be louder than the new outbursts from the crowd. “I am allied with the gulls! Your leader, Suliver, is dead, and your hawk has been defeated. Surrender and you will face no consequences for this coup!”

Pop, the leader of the gang allied with Cement, limped forward. There was an oozing puncture wound on his back and he was missing another toe, but he stood straight and proud.

“My gang supports you, Cement.”

A gang leader who had been uninvolved, but attacked by Suliver anyway, stepped forward. She was missing all her tail feathers. “My gang and I are in your debt. I follow you, Cement.”

The surviving lieutenants who had been loyal to the General also pledged their loyalty to Cement.

Cement looked around, a rising sense of alarm building in her chest. She hadn’t planned for this to happen. But, with General One-Toe nowhere to be seen, what could she do other than accept the responsibility?

With that realization came a grim feeling of acceptance. If there was no General, the gang leaders would return to constant warring, and life would return to that of the old days…

Like it or not, Cement would be the new General. At least, until they could find another pigeon capable of leadership.

If there was one…

“I will serve the pigeons as best I can.”
“Hooray!” shouted the pigeons.
Russet, who was still bleeding out and had one or two holes in his chest, nuzzled up against her and said “I know you will.”
“Yay!” cheered the gulls. Those who still had pigeons in their grasps finally released them. The gulls soared into the air and flew in celebratory circles. A few pigeons somersaulted dizzily through the air.

Riski waited for the crowd to exhaust themselves through cheering.
“So, what about the gulls? We did our part.”

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