Gaggle of Chinese Ostracizing a Roman Tufted - Help!

Thanks Brandi, you're just awesome! You've proven the saying - 'A friend in need is a friend indeed." I won't forget how you instantly helped the little girl and thank you for encouraging me to join BYC. I used to just browse the archives, but that wouldn't have brought me this type of support from those who have such love and devotion to the care of geese from all over the world - literally. tc - See ya soon.
I wonder if @Marty1876 might know about essential oils and waterfowl?
Amiga I posted on the old fashioned thread is anyone there knows about using essential oils with their poultry hopefully we'll hear something. jtn from our goose thread gave these.
We'll have to go through them to see if anything pertains to this lil Roman and her problem .
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Appreciate the suggestion, Amiga. I've PMed Marty with the question and to take a gander at my thread. Hopefully I can find out if some EO are safe to use.
Miss Lydia - I am thinking of an EO blend called 'Thieves' which is a blend of several oils. Here is more info on it This particular brand is pricey, but the less costly ones may not be safe for consumption on account of which type of Eucalyptus is used in the blend. I have some on hand that I got for my mom and wondered if it can help to expel the congestion - the poor Roman is hacking so hard.

( I don't know much about botany and so forth, so this is just a lay understanding that NOT ALL species of EUCALYPTUS can be ingested. Most are good for aromatherapy and topical use but not safe to ingest. This site explains the usage well - This site explains the safe to use ones well - These are by no means endorsements of any brands, since I found very inexpensive and effective ones on amazon and don't hold one company in higher regard than another - since I don't fully understand all this. )

The inability to eat and lack of appetite is very scary and you are right to suggest taking her to a vet despite the cost. I wanted to take her to the closest one right away - thankfully she seems stable from the intervention. None of the nearest vets in town treat birds or exotics of any type such as rabbits. They specialize in four legged friends on the farms. The only two I found are over 85 miles each way - about 4 1/2 hours drive - and yes they will cost a chunk. Additionally, I have no one to look after my mom and the rest of the family - my mother's pets before she fell ill - her Border Collie, cats, Polish chickens, turtles and her garden. Can't leave mom unattended as she needs meds on time - much like lil Roman. Keeping a close eye on the both of them now :)

On the upside - She is drinking coconut water before and after the antibiotics. She tried to nibble at her food since last night, but eats very little. Today she is standing and walking a bit. Dunking in the ACV and taking small gulps and trying to release the blockage. She is still coughing though. She's not gaping, but breathing slightly labored. Hoping the antibiotic will help with the infection. But how she expel the congested matter? (Hence the thought of EO).
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Thanks for the EO threads Miss L ! You'd make a good gumshoe! It'd be good to find something that will help expel the phlegm and mucus that's stuck deep inside.
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I don't have geese but had ducks and have been following this thread. I'm glad to see your girl improving. I just mentioned the Thieves oil in another thread earlier today. I have a woodstove in my home and keep a pot of water with the oil in it to simmering on the stove to help kill airborne viruses. I don't get sick when I keep it simmering. Over Christmas I had let the stove go out which meant no Thieves steam in the air and I got a bronchial infection in what felt like almost instantly. As soon as I started up the stove again my congestion subsided and a bonus is it smells delicious.

I also add it to a vinegar and water solution I use for cleaning...including in the coop and I haven't had any issues with my birds getting sick.
The antibiotics will definitely help you.
Trust me
Question: Now that she's standing on her own again - I notice there is one pillow like puffy structure on her right underside - the left side looks flat - is this OK? Previously there were puffy on both sides. Her gait looks uneven, too. Please don't laugh - I know next to nothing about geese.


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