Gamble Quails WHAT AM I DOING WRONG???

Well, good luck. Maybe you can catch them at night since they freeze up at night. If you have a net you can plop down over them, that might make it easier to catch them. Good luck!
Yep got a net. Crossing fingers I will see them but they will have to move just a little in order for me to see them, I know my Jack Russel can find them but I'm afraid his outcome is much different then MINE.
Nope on which girl. Whom ever you can catch and they will gladly welcome each other. I hope you can find them tonight and if not that they survive the night. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. :)

And even if you catch a male, keep him anyway. Without any females in your pen, the two will get along.
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I have gone sooo CRAZY that I have a youtube video of Gambels calls and I walk around the yard playing it hopeing they will come to it, Of course it did not work they are in there own little world right now.. LOL but I am Desperate...
I know how you feel. I will say a wee prayer for you that you are able to catch at least one of them. Keep us posted. :)

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