Gaming on 4 yr. old

Huh, I thought I replied to this thread yesterday but must have just closed the window instead. Pooh.

My first suggestion is: install an "off" switch in the horse. This is IMHO one of the most useful things you can do for a fast-events horse.

The basic approach is to rev him up (some fast cantering in a large open area with GOOD footing is usually the easiest method), just enough but not too much, and then ask him to stand. If you've miscalculated and he can't, you can walk in a small circle with the outer rein loose and the inside rein used just as much/often as needed to keep him circling, no more, until he *can* stand still. YOU need to be relaxed and quiet at this time, too, to help him understand the task. Once he is calm, give him big pats and maybe a treat and go do something he likes. Practice this frequently, til he readily shuts off the adrenalin whenever he is asked.

This will allow you to avoid wasting all his energy hopping and jumping around before you go in for your run, and prevent him from being so lunatic in the ring that he can't efficiently do the event. Random bolting around with eyes bugggin' out doesn't win anything
You needn't worry about him losing too much excitement between warmup and actually 'going', as that seldom seems to be a problem in real life <g> and in any case is very easily solved.

Do however make sure that you are schooling this in an age- and fitness-appropriate way (not too fast or hard) and on GOOD footing!

My other suggestion would be, lots and lots of transitions (fast-slow-fast-slow etc). Both between gaits, and between different "gears" of a single gait especially canter. This is excellent for building both responsiveness AND fitness.

Good luck, have fun,


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