it rained all day today. all of the snow is gone.
but it is supposed to snow tonight, six to eight inches.
the weather men cannot make up their minds.
it started out as one to two inches. some guess
go as high as a foot or more.. I will do it the only
sure way,,,,,wait and see.
we don't have anywhere we have to go. I am in
no hurry to get out there and plow..
No flowers here. We got six inches of wet heavy snow.
Ollie handled it very well. I plowed about two hours.
About a quarter of that time I spent spinning the tires.
It is colder today. but I want to put the back blade onto
Ollie. it adds a couple hundred of counterweight.
I really don't want to put chains on.
No flowers here. We got six inches of wet heavy snow.
Ollie handled it very well. I plowed about two hours.
About a quarter of that time I spent spinning the tires.
It is colder today. but I want to put the back blade onto
Ollie. it adds a couple hundred of counterweight.
I really don't want to put chains on.
Snowing here now. Grass was covered yesterday. They are saying an inch and a half. I plow at 2 inches. I drove the truck Monday and got the plow mounted but not hooked up. Don't think I'm going to need it for a while, but just have to pull the brackets up and hook up the cables.
we got a few more inches of snow last night.
I plowed again. Did a thorough job this time.
widened the driveway to max and even did the
then I dug the back blade out of the snow and put
it onto Ollie. Now I have to get a can of gas before
it snows again.
I don't like the forecast. supposed to get down
into the single digits for the next few days.
minus 9F this morning. staying in the single digits
for the next couple of days. some snow, maybe.
I am forced to go out to get to the dr today.
but that should be it for the rest of the week.
dentist yesterday..
grocery shopping today. assembling food for
Christmas dinner. 12 people going to be here..
I am doing most of the cooking. DD is bringing a ham,
other DD is bringing a hot dish.
I just have to make dressing, sweet potatoes, mashed
potatoes and bread rolls. and gravy..

It was 32°F this morning and dropped to zero in one hour. There is also about 1 1/2" of new snow.

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