Gardens, anyone? What are you growing this year?

Barney I will add your grandson to my prayer list tonight. I pray he makes a full recovery. That is just awful!

As for my garden, I just finished planting today. I am so sore I can hardly move!

I planted sweet corn, radishes, tomatoes, peppers ( had to replant them today the rabbits ate them when I planted them last week) lettuce, califlower, beans, peas, gourds, pumpkins, giant pumpkins, watermelon, muskmelon, zuccinni, beets, squash, and carrots. I think that is it????

We have a huge garden and I love maintaining it and going out to collect everything but I hate planting! HATE IT! I am the same way with flowers. I love flowers but I hate planting!
Hi, I also have a garden. It's small this year. I have 5 or 6 different heirloom tomatoes, bunching onions, red onions, 1 eggplant, 6 sweet peppers and a few carrots.
we just moved so doing a small garden got tomatoes have around 60 green ones already..
sweet corn/squash/cucumbers..bell peppers.cherry tomatoes and got a huge grap vine that is going to put off alot of tasty grapes
We got some planted this weekend. Corn,potatoes,butter beans,green beans,tomatoes and peppers. Still have peas,okra,squash,cukecumbers to go. I have a fence around my garden ans lock the chooks out during gardening season.
We will definately pray for your grandson.

Here are some pics of our garden as of today 5-19-08

Here is the rows of cabbage and taters and onions...


here is a pic of some of the taters and zucchini and just planted tomatoes, green peppers and squash today. That's what's under the clear buckets....cucumbers will be added soon to the garden....


Here is one of the huge cabbage plants. Not joking, it's big...


Here is the difference between the purple and green. Also they were planted a week apart...


Can't wait until harvest. I am going to try and can some cabbage, I figure I would put raw cabbage in a jar, fill it with hot liquid and process about 15 to 25 minutes and Wah Lah! boiled cabbage in a jar.
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I am excited too! I love those yummy vegetables from my garden! I am growing spinach, cabbage, carrots, green onions, zucchini squash, radishes, butternut squash, corn, pumpkins for the chickens
, sunflowers for the seeds, bird house gourds, cantalope, watermelon, asparagus, roma tomatoes, big beef tomatoes, grape tomatoes, green peppers, jalepeno peppers, cayenne peppers, beets, pea, and green beans. I think that's it!
Hi Everyone.
Thanks for all your prayrers and well wishes for our Grandson Tanner. He still has some internal bleeding..the doctors are monitoring that very closely. He's in much pain now because of the fractured bone in his back. He's quite sedated, but that's ok because ...that means the pain meds are working.
BTW The photos of everyones garden looks wonderful Blessing to you all. Chris AKA-Barney
I'm so very glad he is doing better! I kept him in my prayers all day and I was going to ask for an update tonight! Will continue to pray for his pain relief and full recovery, Chris.
Yep, we live off the stuff we can and freeze all year. Every day I carry another empty quart or pint jar back down to the cellar.

We spend every day for weeks in the fall, saving our great wholesome home grown food for many meals to come.

This time of year is hard, preparing the gardens for the harvest to come, but well worth all the effort.

We only grow heirloom seeds from sandhill preservation, that's my choice.

Tomatoes, green beans, peppers, brussel sprouts, beets, carrots, dill, pickles, corn,

etc..... gotta love gardening and harvesting.


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