Geese Breed Focus - Embden

They are on gamebird feed, grass when i move thier pen, and scratch sometimes mixed in... They are allowed to eat as much as they want. They also eat whatever they find out at the pond when i put them out there, but there are no fish, and it is too cold for frogs right now. My male is handsome, his eyes are a beautiful light clear blue
I know those blue eyes are so beautiful.

Do you plan to eat them? I know some raise them for meat and being your gander is so heavy didn't know if that was your purpose. My geese are my pets although during breeding season the thought of roasted goose does flow thru my head at times lol

Can't get game bird feed here I feed NON GMO Broiler and Layer mixed 50/50 this is closest I can get to an all flock. Not a lot of choices where I live. Which is a bummer. My gander is almost 11 yrs old [April 27] so I guess I am doing something right with his feed.

Have we seen pics of yours?
Here's My goof ball Samson and his mate Missy

This is the second day i had him, he is looking back at me. I will breed this pair 2 times, and keep a couple of choice goslings from each set to hand raise, as pets and to let free range in the yard. I will eventually pick a male gosling to raise for christmas dinner, though that was not originally planned. He is just a big boy lol, even bigger now than in the picture, i will try to post a better one soon...
I got my first egg from Babe yesterday!!!!:woot:wee

There is one thing that worries me though, and it happened this morning. As i was standing next to their pen i saw her pass an undeveloped(?) egg, she passed the white, the yolk and finally an incredibly soft shell, all within a couple of seconds. Is this something i should be concerned about??

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