Gender and Breed Help


In the Brooder
May 6, 2015
This is Gunny (my 3 yr old daughter named her). She has 5 toes and Silkie pants and we know she's part Silkie but not sure about the other part of her mix. Also, we're hoping she's a she and not a he, lol. We live in city limits and will have to rehome if she's a roo, and well, I've become rather attached. I know the pictures aren't great, so any help appreciated

I am unable to post pictures yet but wondering if anyone can help me out or explain. To me what breeds I may have...I have 4 "pullets" who are females and 4 "reds" thay were unsexed I bought from tractor supply a week and a half ago. They were 4 days old..iI have looked up pullets and it says a specific age of young chickens...these are just now 2 weeks old so that doesn't make sense to me
I am unable to post pictures yet but wondering if anyone can help me out or explain. To me what breeds I may have...I have 4 "pullets" who are females and 4 "reds" thay were unsexed I bought from tractor supply a week and a half ago. They were 4 days old..iI have looked up pullets and it says a specific age of young chickens...these are just now 2 weeks old so that doesn't make sense to me

"Pullet" is the term used for a young female chicken from hatch to a year old - those sold as pullets in the stores, etc have been determined to be female by the hatchery (if sex links they are sexed by color, otherwise they are sexed by examination of their sex organs in the vent (called "vent sexing"). A pullet can be any breed or mix of breeds. Because the chicks you bought were simply marked "pullet", there is no way for us to ID their breed without seeing a photo, so hopefully you can get that figured out shortly.
The "reds" could be a lot of things - from various pure breed birds that are "reds" to a "red sex link" which is a hybrid/cross-breed or a couple of other mixed/cross-bred red birds commonly sold in retail settings. Again, a photo is going to be necessary to begin to identify them for you.

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