Gender Game! Opinions? Guesses?

I am pretty new to this chicken thing as well...based on all the reading that I have done...I though at 9 weeks one should be able to definitively tell pullet or cockeral??? Based on all my reading and research (as we have 2 1/2 week old straight run chicks from a private breeder)....I would say your chick is a pullet. Having said that, what is it the leads other more experienced commenters to believe it is a cockeral??? I thought by nine weeks that wattles and combs would be far more prominent and present in this age chick????
In my experience that is gonna be an EE roo. Very common to find white & black EE roos, not very common to find girls. Also the comb has three distinct rows, another indication of boy. Also in the one pic I think there are irridescent green/black feathers? That is another common boy trait,. I could be wrong though! They can be tricky sometimes

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