Gender/how to tell


7 Years
Apr 19, 2012
This question has probably been asked thousands of times but - How do you sex the chicks ? -

Do you have to wait until they are a certain age or are there specific signs to look for.
I have 4 white sussex or light sussex, they are about 2 weeks old.
Can anyone help.
I can tell by the look of the hackle and saddle feathers, the size and redness of the combs and wattles and the thickness of the legs. It varies from person to person. If you could post pictures of your chicks, we can help you more.
Thank you for your reply I thought at only three weeks you would have difficulty knowing, I have attached some photos but they are not very clear, we were told they were White Sussex or something white, my appologies for being a bit dumb I am new to chicks but would like to learn more and maybe breed more chicks Thanks again, Regards Pam

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