gender mixed breed about 10 weeks old

The white and grey one pictured first are absolutely adorable cockerels 😍 The black is a pullet. You could make a bachelor flock, those are way to cute to give away if you can keep them.
Keep us updated on the gray, he’s beautiful!
Thank you! While at it id like topost another i have 3 partridge color in the flock one on the very left is definitely a cockrel but not sure about the other two -


They dont have wattles or big combs like other cockrels but they act like roosters. If they r all cockrels i have 7 out of 9, only2 hens lol
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Do they have straight combs?
the walnut comb cockerel and the one in third picture are siblings. they are bigger than others. the one in picture number 2 is actually a sibling of the gray one and is the smallest but feisty, tries to dominate everyone. Funny genetics.

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