Georgia Legislation! All states need to do this.

The Sheriff

10 Years
Jun 17, 2009
Northern CA
It would keep the local yokels from interfering with our right raise our own food! Go Georgia!
Set an example.
Excellent! it sounds like they were correcting one of those very old standing laws with this Act, is that true?

I think a lot of these laws came into being as the Country matured from a primarily Agricultural society into an Industrial society. As electricity, refrigeration, cooking appliances and cooking/preservation techniques improved, many States, Cities and localities created these laws as a way to improve livability and sanitation. Lots of people used to keep lots of livestock at home, because that's what was necessary at the time. When times changed, so did the laws.

These days many economists note that we have far outgrown the capacity of the land we live on to support ourselves. I think another factor that drives these laws to be reformed is the example set by Hurricane Katrina. Many people fault only the FEMA response, but the fact that the US Coast Guard pulled over 35,000 people off of roofs via helicopter in the first 24 hours proves who woefully prepared those people were despite numerous warnings ahead of time.

The Country is seeing a surge in "Prepping" as a result of Katrina and other factors, and that is certainly driving a lot of renewed interest in raising livestock at home. I think many legislatures see real value in finding ways to help Citizens raise poultry and other livestock as one effective means for helping ensure a food supply in an emergency. A good secure coop with a healthy thriving flock in it is certainly a powerful asset to have in troubled times as well as good.

Good on the Georgia Legislature, and good on the legislators that wrote this bill!


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