Getting 4 Polish today!! (Pics added)

I suspected chicken wire was too flimsy to be worthwhile, but this was actually 2x4 welded wire that got torn up.

Thanks all, for the condolences.
I'm sorry, one of your posts led me to believe it was chicken wire. My! 2x4 welded! Either it wasn't attached very well or it definately was something very big and strong. You said you suspect your own dogs, are they big dogs?
Pretty big- they're Labs. However, I went out this morning and saw 2 big black dogs out there at the coop, so..I just don't know, maybe my dogs are innocent.
Additionally, the areas in the wire that are broken just don't appear to be large enough for a big dog to get it's head into to drag a bird back out. I'm stumped.

Sorry about the confusion on the chicken wire- I had mentioned it, because I had been wondering about the sturdyness of it and since this stuff I had is way stronger (one would think), i commented that I no longer had to wonder about the chicken wire.

Having had a better look in the daylight, The entire enclosure is intact, except for the wire. It is broken appart at the welds. Maybe a faulty batch? The wooden part of the cage is indeed chewed all to @#!$, but it managed to hold-not breached anywhere that I can see.

I'll salvage what I can, repair it, and bring it indoors to serve as a brooder for my new chicks.

I hate learning lessons the hard way.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. One thing about predators is to know their habits. If you have dogs around I don't think coyotes would be hanging around, plus if I am not mistaken they are night time hunters,but I read they will hunt in the day if they have cubs to feed. Dogs are pobably the no 1 predator around. Don't feel bad about your loss, we all make mistakes and the good thing is you learn from them. This months issue of Backyard Poultry has a great article on Polish, if you can get this mag I would highly advise it. Polish are alittle more high maintenence birds than most. I hear they make really good pet birds tho and I bet your rooster probably won't turn out as ornery as much. Good luck with your new birds.
I just got my first Polish. They look like they'll make great pets. I'm sure you'll enjoy yours. You might keep your eyes open, though, for a few more hens for your roo so he won't over breed the one he still has.
been thinking the same thing. now to decide to try and buy eggs and incubate, or purchase straight run chicks...
Hi AccidentalFarm,
What a sad story. How are the 2 doing now? I saw the topic is a week old or so but I would be so sad, my polish wee just rescued! Anyway sorry to hear about all of that happening and hope things are going well now!


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