Getting 4 Polish today!! (Pics added)

The two I still have are doing great! In fact, the hen surprised me with an egg Tuesday, which I was not expecting due to the stress she's endured of late. The roo is crowing up a storm and seems to be quite content. He is behaving wonderfully- not bothering my younger girls at all. He is looking great although his tail feathers are pretty rumpled and he had been picked at terribly- I don't know how long it will take to re-grow, but I'm sure he'll be a very handsome guy in no time. I just hate that I lost 2 of his girls. Such a shame.

Thanks for asking!
I'm glad to hear the remaining are doing well!

the coyotes that come around my house, they come around 3am and then again around 6-7am, just before it gets light. i'll know when they come cuz my dogs go nuts. they're not big enough to chase them off.

my quarantine area is a wire dog crate for XXL dogs with chicken wire wrapped around it to keep the chickens from poking their heads out. those dog crates are tough as nails. ain't nuthin going out or in.

my lesson many years ago, with polish....i bought 2 of them and put them in my pen thinking they would be safe. they kept sticking their heads out of the 2x4 wire. when i wasn't looking, my dog snuck up next to the pen and waited for them to stick their heads out and bit off their heads one by one. here i thought they were getting a great home, only to be killed couple days later by my ignorance. but its a lesson i learned and i'll keep forever.

i've learned many other lessons since then with my poultry becoming victims of my ignorance. but then i remember, i'm only human.

and here's another lesson i learned last night.

check out my most recent visitor to my chicken pen for my younger birds....

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Oh..(I know I'm the only one who'll say it, but) how cool! I really love having snakes around my place. If they start getting to the eggs, I'll just have to tighten the coop. Those guys can really wipe out a rat population in a hurry, though.

i've learned many other lessons since then with my poultry becoming victims of my ignorance. but then i remember, i'm only human.

Well said. I know this particular experience taught me a valuable lesson, and I'm sure there will be more to come. I hate that I lost the birds, but you can bet I won't repeat the mistake.
I'm so glad to hear your remaining birds are doing well! I would love to see some pics. I've just had my first Polish about 2 weeks now and we love them.

So good to see you on YHWH-NISSI! I hope all is well at your house, too!
I'll try and get some pics up tomorrow. The Mr. isn't looking his best yet, but I suppose it'll make good 'before and after' pics to compare after he is back up to par.
Alright- here's the pair together:

And the Mr. with his twisted beak:

And his bad tail feathers...:

All in all they seem to be quite happy in their new home and we are really happy to have them. Disco (the hen) is such a bully to the other girls, but Egger(roo), has really been a gentleman.
I believe their previous diet consisted of corn and maybe table scraps. I suppose that, plus poor Egger getting picked on really took a toll on his appearance.

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Thanks Carrie- I'm really anxious to see him at his best- they are such gorgeous birds. I love the waddles, too-such a vibrant red!

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