Getting a PUPPY Today! 😍🐶🐾

what GIF

I highly doubt that very many people actually find that handy nowadays. Prey drive can be channeled but the dog will still serve no actual purpose in our modern day society.
Pits were bred for bull baiting, that doesn't mean I'm about to use his natural tenacity and agility for anything other than tug of war🙃
Comparing a pit bull to a yorkie 🤣
what GIF

I highly doubt that very many people actually find that handy nowadays. Prey drive can be channeled but the dog will still serve no actual purpose in our modern day society.
Pits were bred for bull baiting, that doesn't mean I'm about to use his natural tenacity and agility for anything other than tug of war🙃
Pits where bred to go into pits to kill rats....
Akc is useless my mom use to breed cocker spaniels in the early 2000s and the papers where not even useable she used the same papers multiple times no one registers them anyways. A designer dog is a mutt you cant tell me its not. People really need to stop breeding every dog together and charging more then purebreds.
Yes! But do we do that nowadays?
And they were not bred the same way and the method was not the same either. If I'm correct I think yorkies pursued the rats, while pits were thrown into pits of rats, so, not quite the same.
No one breeds dogs for a purpuse anymore which is why none of them are usefull its been bred out of them. People only see a paycheck nothing more nothing less
Was I supposed to list them all?

Honestly, you two seem to be grasping at straws, nitpicking even the littlest things. I kinda thought you were nicer dawg😕
I’m not trying to be mean so sorry… :oops: but I just don’t support backyard breeding and won’t :idunno

And no you don’t have to list every one but just the way you worded it made it seem like that was the only one but maybe I just read it wrong
Neither do I.
The conditions my dog came from made me sick.
I really think in order to be a breeder or seller there should be at least a little bit of oversight.
My dog is probably not more than two generations removed from the fighting ring. A whole ring was busted in my area not too long ago.
Breeding two breeds together was more of a sentimental and fun thing for me. I wouldn't do it again, even though they were a perfect mix. I would buy a designer mix, but I wouldn't breed one.

I was mostly talking about my pittie🤣.
He lives for tug.
At this point he doesn't really like too many sports. Fetch is 4/10 in his opinion, tug of war is 7/10 and water is 45/10 which is why he's gonna be a dock diving champ🏆
I haven't gotten him a flirt pole or spring pole yet, so maybe he likes more than two activities. So far he's kinda boring😂
Oh wow that’s horrible! I’m sorry! Glad you have him now though. And sorry if I came as a jerk :oops: I just get really passionate about dogs lol and maybe wasn’t very nice :oops:

I wish I could do dock diving with Brew but he HATES water 😂😭😭😭 he absolutely loves the flirt pole though and tug lol and I tried to get him to use a spring pole but he won’t even try it 😭😭😭 which is weird cause he loves tug and fetch and stuff. But nope. Not interested at all. Might as well have burned the money lol maybe yours will be more interested. I actually got him a leather bite rag too that he absolutely loves maybe more than the flirt pole lol it’s basically the same thing though, toy on a lure 😂 but yeah.

He also loves hunting small furry things. He actually caught a huge rat today and found a nest.

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