Getting my first peachicks tomorrow!!


Oct 13, 2019
I am soooo excited! I started with chickens and guineas and tomorrow morning I will finally acquire my first baby peafowl! Anybody have any tips? I was going to put them in with some chicks I hatched a few days ago so they get the hang of eating and drinking... anything else? Also have the high protein starter and look forward to making them scrambled eggs 😍
Y’all - how pretty are these little ones!?
Black shoulder - two pair. I am stoked!
Nope I have no idea 🤓 would they be split with an India blue? I have zero experience so I def cannot spot differences in chicks yet. Thank you for the info!
There are a lot of great posts in the sitckies at the top of the list of topics, I think you could learn a lot quicker by reading through them first. Look for the basic Genetics 101, almost everything has been laid out there.
There are a lot of great posts in the sitckies at the top of the list of topics, I think you could learn a lot quicker by reading through them first. Look for the basic Genetics 101, almost everything has been laid out there.
So... I am new and still very confused. Are they mixed? Because I toured the farm I got them from and all of the females were white and the males were the colored birds. Is it a mix? I thought if the female chicks were light that meant black shoulder. Am I wrong? Or did I possibly just get four birds of unknown gender? 🤓

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