Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man



My White Leghorn egg has a blood ring, and here are the innards. It's a gonner along with the Brahma. My two Copper Marans are a little dark, but I have serious doubts about them both. Nevertheless, drum roll, please........ I HAVE TWO MOVING EMBRYOS IN MY COCHIN EGGS!!!!!!
I think this is likely due to two things: 1) Too much moisture concentrated toos soon on one (perhaps the cooler) end of the wipeubator; 2) The wipeubator is warmer on one end-the end where the Cochin eggs are. #excited
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My White Leghorn egg has a blood ring, and here are the innards. It's a gonner along with the Brahma. My two Copper Marans are a little dark, but I have serious doubts about them both. Nevertheless, drum roll, please........ I HAVE TWO MOVING EMBRYOS IN MY COCHIN EGGS!!!!!!
I think this is likely due to two things: 1) Too much moisture concentrated toos soon on one (perhaps the cooler) end of the wipeubator; 2) The wipeubator is warmer on one end-the end where the Cochin eggs are. #excited
congrats on the cochins at least.

An incubator with cold and warm spots is going to be tough. Does it have a fan? what is the temp and humidity at the egg level?

Have you read the hatching 101 article by sally sunshine?

Her diary thread or the hatch-a-long thread are a great place for advice on this stuff. I am in there often helping iut but there are lots of others available to help.

My White Leghorn egg has a blood ring, and here are the innards. It's a gonner along with the Brahma. My two Copper Marans are a little dark, but I have serious doubts about them both. Nevertheless, drum roll, please........ I HAVE TWO MOVING EMBRYOS IN MY COCHIN EGGS!!!!!!
I think this is likely due to two things: 1) Too much moisture concentrated toos soon on one (perhaps the cooler) end of the wipeubator; 2) The wipeubator is warmer on one end-the end where the Cochin eggs are. #excited
I need to watch my threads... This was supposed to have gone on the Easter Hatch-Along thread.
Additional Duties for week commencing April 6, 2014

Pigs 7-9 need vaccination this week
2cc Rhini Shield TX4 SQ
2cc Tetanus CDT SQ
1cc Myco Shield SQ

Use scale to weigh pigs 4-9 report
Use tape measure in inches to measure girth behind front leg and length from top of neck to tail in pigs 1-3 and 20.
Calculate G x G x L / 180 to get weight in KG. Report.

Arrange COD delivery of 6 rice bran and 1 fish meal for April 11. Add 4 more feeders to the delivery please.

The birds in Coop A need their second dose of Coryza vaccine
0.5ml Poulvac
Coryza ABC IC3 SQ – pinch up skin at base of neck and inject up from just above between the wings. Use a 3ml syringe and ¾” needle – 6 birds per syringe.

Musical Coops
We need to make space for chicks ready to leave the brooders
Get all the chicks in coop 1 and place in a box. Clean out the rice husks and clean feeder. Replace rice husks.
Move the adult birds in coop A into coop 1. Clean out the rice husks and clean feeder. Replace rice husks.
Place chicks from coop 1 and coop 2 in Coop A. Clean out the rice husks and clean feeder in Coop 2. Replace rice husks.
Move the chicks in the 2 small sections of the large metal sided brooder into coop 2
Mix 1 tsp of vitamin and electrolyte in 4 liters of water and put it in the waterers for the chicks now in Coop A and Coop 2 as a stress boost.
Count the birds in each coop and report.

Guinea Shed
Have Dominic and Alfred finish converting the breezeway between coops 5-6 into the guinea shed. It does not need a floor but the perimeter needs hollow blocks under the coco lumber. It should have 4 roosts for the birds and a couple of pieces of scrap plywood up against the back wall like a lean-to where the hens can lay eggs in privacy.

Grow-Out Free Range Pen
The Amacan (woven bamboo shhets is for a bamboo framed bahay kubo (thatched roof hut) temporary shelter for the growing birds. The structure should be in the same basic shape as duck shed but be 10ft deep and 15ft wide. It should have 6 roosts 15ft long. The only coco lumber should be in the door. 2 Noceco posts can be the door frame.

The back wall should be level with the wall of the egg house with a netting area extending to the other side of the goat house and level with its fence. It should be as wide as possible – three feet from the nursery area. The 18 feet wide netting should be cut in half to make it 9 feet. Use the narrow ends of the bamboo from the pig roof for posts. It does not need a netting roof.

The bigger the area the more free ranging and less feed we will use.

Target completion 4/15

Pump shed

Bahay kubo

Netted area

Egg house

goat house

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