Getting them ready for coop

it's called diacatomaceous earth, I think I have it spelled right. You would want food grade, which I found at my local feed store-it's a natural substance that dehydrates bugs dead so I would assume it has a drying effect and thats why it also helps.. but I am just following what I have read here.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Today I put a battery powered Lcd light shining on their roost and all 5 are roosting beautifully tonight as opposed to huddling on the floor

yay yay yay!!!! I guess it's time to unplug the ecoglow they havent used it since they have been out in the coop
You're welcome! I'm glad it worked for you. Mine are still not consistently roosting on the roosts, I'd probably say half of them do in some sort of fashion (some sit on the poopboard below the roosts). I'm just letting this happen naturally, but it did seem to me that they liked the dim nightlight. It also allows for me to look into the coop without disturbing them to see what's happening.

I have shut off the heatlamp as of Monday I think. No more supplemental heat for them. They are now 7.5 weeks old so they are fine. Some have started to want to be cuddled.
DH said when he fed them mealworms earlier in the week two welsumers who are usually not fond of being touched jumped on his knees to be closer to the treats and allowed him to pet them.

Isn't this website great, to have people who are going through the same development stage. I'm loving having people to compare notes with, since it's my first time and I'm just flying by the seat of my pants (and some research).
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I have night lights in all of my coops then I can too go and peak in on them without disturbing them.
Do you leave them on all night? I shut it off after they got settled as I didnt want the light to disturb their sleep. I hope they stayed on the roost!

Edited to say it's still before sunrise here and I just peeked they are all still on the top roost whooo woot!!
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So cute!! Yes I agree no more heat and they will be fine- I am going to unplug and remove their ecoglow today- more floor room for them. Yes this web site is so helpful, learning so much.

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