Girls vs Girls

LOL! Well thats a wedge tailed eagle
Show a map of Austrailia and show me wherevr you hike at is, then i can narrow it down ;)

LOL! Lucky!  im in (using you weird way of saying it... :oops: :gig ) year 7 (well this year im going into it)

OK, I live here:

(To use a really precise map, you know :p)

OK. I'm in year 11. So it's been a while. lol
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LOL! Yup, its in WA. So is Olympia (thougth of another! :D )
Ooh, Fort hood might be big. Is it a military base?

Lol !! If you trusted me to be your guide for a day in and out for say hiking, I would pack a weeks worth of rations
LOL! Yup, its in WA. So is Olympia (thougth of another! :D )
Ooh, Fort hood might be big. Is it a military base?

Lol !! If you trusted me to be your guide for a day in and out for say hiking, I would pack a weeks worth of rations :p :lau

I've never heard of that one.
Lots of Forts in America though.
Is Fort Knox a place, or am I just making that up? :lol:
(I've seen it in a few references to coops)

Oh, I only just got that. :lau
I am feeling very slow today. I might have to leave you in a minute and go get some lunch lol.
ookay, so heres the pic im using Now, according to my 10.5lbs Smithsonian Institutional Animal book, wedge tailed eagles live ALL over Aussie, so it could be one of those :D
I've never heard of that one.
Lots of Forts in America though.
Is Fort Knox a place, or am I just making that up?

(I've seen it in a few references to coops)
Oh, I only just got that.

I am feeling very slow today. I might have to leave you in a minute and go get some lunch lol.

Fort Knox - a gold mine. LOL.

Awwwwwww bye
OK. Good bye.

See you in a bit if you're still on.
Oh, im still on! LOL! I thought you were leaving XD

A lot of the forts in USA are military bases cause all of them start w/ fort, and military families can live in houses or appartments they for pretty cheap
Well you should be back now, because your last post says "1 hour 27 minutes ago". :p
When do you sleep?! :lol: It must be pretty late your time.

Apparently I live in sclerophyll forests.


It sounds kind of like the dinosaurs, doesn't it? :lol:

Ah, so that's what all the Forts are.
We have no Forts here. I can name a lot of little towns in South Australia though. Over the past five years we've been on lots of road trips :old

They have odd names.
There's one place called "Nhill". :p

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