"Give. Me. All. Your. Food."

You go, Gloria!

We have a Light Sussex chick who already knows about the stink eye. I held her on my lap and she just glared at me the whole time. Her name is Mary Ann, but I think it should have been Gloria :)
Hey! I was just browsing (creeping on!) your blog- I have a rabbit named Trixie as well! Such fun connections! Your Trixie is positively adorable and seems very sweet and friendly
Mine is a Mini Rex, but she is feisty and sweet at the same time. She has a messed up leg as well- when we first brought her home from a breeder (she was a 4-H project), my sister noticed that her front left leg was sticking out funny. We took her to the vet, and found out that the joint had been dislocated somehow, so my new bunny had a huge green cast attached to her leg for the first few weeks! Shes about 6 years old now (more or less) and doesn't let her paw stop her. She holds it a little awkwardly, but adapted very well to running, jumping, digging and grooming herself. I'm glad your Trixie has found such a loving home as well!
Hey! I was just browsing (creeping on!) your blog- I have a rabbit named Trixie as well! Such fun connections! Your Trixie is positively adorable and seems very sweet and friendly
Mine is a Mini Rex, but she is feisty and sweet at the same time. She has a messed up leg as well- when we first brought her home from a breeder (she was a 4-H project), my sister noticed that her front left leg was sticking out funny. We took her to the vet, and found out that the joint had been dislocated somehow, so my new bunny had a huge green cast attached to her leg for the first few weeks! Shes about 6 years old now (more or less) and doesn't let her paw stop her. She holds it a little awkwardly, but adapted very well to running, jumping, digging and grooming herself. I'm glad your Trixie has found such a loving home as well!

Wow! Our bunnies sound so alike! Thats amazing!

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