Giving Away a yoong roo...worried.

I've given away single roos before. I've also brought home single hens. They maybe take a bit longer to integrate with the rest of my flock than multiple hens, but they always get there in the end. Single roos in a flock of hens will get on just fine. They may get ignored or chased away by the hens for a week or two, but will soon be strutting around like they own the coop...
I guess I'm more worried becauuse he's only 6 weeks, and even tho he's outside and everything, they just seem so small compared to full grown hens.... well, I mean, iim not really worried anymore.
I hatched 9 roos out of 15 eggs and worried myself sick trying to find a good home for 7 of them, where they would be taken care of and not eaten etc. I found a great couple with a farm that free reange 250 hens! They are now doing rooster rescue and adding 100 more hens! They're in Chesapeake, VA
There was an ad on Craigslist. The person who placed the ad was looking for buff orpington or Ameraucana roos.

An alarm went off in my head immediately. Buff orpington and Ameraucana roos are more gentle boys, and alot of cockfighters use these birds to train their cocks to fight because these more gentle boys cannot defend themselves against a blood thirsty roo. They train them on easy roos first, then eventually let them fight other killer roos.

But I had too many Ameraucana roos at the time, and desperately wanted to get rid of a few IF I could find them a GOOD HOME (or if they were headed to somebody's freezer, and I have no problem with raising a roo for Freezer Camp).

This person lived in the same county as I did, so what I did was I sent this person an email, and said I was also an Ameraucana chicken owner in the county and would enjoy meeting up with other families that raised Ameraucana chickens. Then I asked a few innoculous questions, like how many hens did the person have? How many roos per hen? What breeds (just Ameraucanas or did they have other breeds too)? What kind of chicken coop did he/she have?

Real friendly like, the kind of email that would flesh out a person who loved chickens, but one that a cockfighter would just ignore.

And sure enough, I NEVER heard from that person.

If it had been a regular chicken owner, I feel certain I would have heard back. But I fully expected a cockfighter to ignore those kinds of questions, and just ignore the entire email.

Which is what happened.
Good decision to send him on his own. Gypping someone on a "spoken for" deal doesn't earn any friends in my book. He has other chickens to pal with, he'll be fine.
I think he'll be fine. The older girls will keep him in his place until he's big enough to take over.

I could be wrong but I don't think there are that many cock fighters out there. At least not around here.
When two of my roosters decide to test each other I'm afraid the neighbors will think that's what I'm doing.
Maybe not in StL, but go back 44 towards Joplin and on down into OK and AR... Cock fighting still reigns supreme in many parts of the Ozarks and down here in the "foothills"... I want to say OK was the last state to outlaw cockfighting.
Maybe not in StL, but go back 44 towards Joplin and on down into OK and AR... Cock fighting still reigns supreme in many parts of the Ozarks and down here in the "foothills"... I want to say OK was the last state to outlaw cockfighting.

You're probably right. I did know someone in the Ozarks that fought dogs. What a shame it is to be that bored.

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