Giving baby back

Do the other chicks pick on it? Maybe you could take another of the 8 chicks and put it in with the other as a brooder buddy so it won't be all by itself. I don't know... When my mama hen rejected her 2 late hatchers, I had them together in a brooder until I rehomed them along with 5 other chicks. I was afraid to put them back because they were so little and fragile.
"Take Mama out and feed the chicks. They should all come out to fresh goodies." should be followed with:
Then you'll need to catch the baby and remove it before Mama hurts it or worse. It wouldn't be the first time a peep was raised solo. You could even take out one or two others to raise with it. That way, when everyone gets reintroduced, they all have a mini-flock to associate with while they get reacquainted.

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