Giving eggs away to virtual strangers?


May 1, 2019
North of Seattle
My blinker went out earlier this week and the Hubb's and I got to chatting with the clerk helping us. My chicken enthusiast came out and he was truly interested. He asked if we had any eggs to spare and not only do we but will be drowning in them come late summer when the littles turn into layers!

I offered to drop off half a dozen and he said he'd be truly grateful and would pay for them. I told him to try them first and if it became a regular thing we could talk about paying something (I don't feel comfortable charging something I intended as a gift.)

My concern is liability. I've seen talk on here about concern of legal liability given many of us aren't running certified businesses. Is there some kind of friendly note I could attach? Like "While these eggs come from healthy chickens and have been washed, please take proper cleaning, cooking and storage precautions before consumption."
Start by checking your local/ state Health Department regs, or the Ag Dept, where ever they are posted. It's about Washington state, and rules will vary.
Most places allow egg gifts or sales on a very small scale, as most of us do, with no issues. There may be a recommended label format, and then use that.
Again, most places allow this without problems.
A warning on the packaging would also probably work, but you need to make it very clear that they are consuming the eggs at their own risk.
So I'll check my local laws and just attach a cheery toned note about how as with any fresh food, proper cleaning, storage and cooking is recommended and consumption is at risk of the consumer!

Thanks y'all! I've seen some pretty dire warnings on here but figured on balance most people give eggs out *without* a subsequent lawsuit :gig

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