GL polish - pair??? boy or girl?

This is our guy at 8 weeks; he just crowed the other day - very cute. Here is a picture that might help. Stevie just grew a beautiful iridescent green feather, and his head dress is much more pointed than yours. Your birds are beautiful!

Girls can have wattles my male had way redder and bigger wattles at seven weeks they both have rounded crest and not spikey. My male at 8 weeks. My pullets have small wattles too.
8 week old gl polish

I have a SLW that we named Zena Warrier Chicken when she was about 2 weeks old, and she is now 20+weeks!! How crazy is that?? We said she looked like she had warrior paint on when she was little!
Wattles are getting a bit bigger and redder, but this is the non-bearded one so hard to compare with his/her bearded friend the same age. She/He is a little shy of 3 months now in this pic. No crowing still... but are those wattles too big for 3 month polish (non-bearded)?? Still waiting to see...our absolute favorite chicken! But I'm still fearing a roo .... Any more thoughts???


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