Goatsitting, now owner refuses to get her goats, ignoring me

You said you were thinking about getting goats anyway. They are already yours. I would feel a little sorry for her if she is in dire straights exept for the fact that she never even came to check on them. If they were my goats and I had no place to keep them, I would still keep in contact with you. Busy? I don't think so! Evidentally not too busy to be on the computer and post on FB! If you have time for that, you have time to come check on your animals. Where are her priorities? Don't feel badly about what you are doing. You have been doing a good job taking care of them and now you should enjoy them!
I would feel very happy if someone left me with some nice goats!!! Maybe she was just looking for the right home for them and really had no intention of taking them back.
the fact that she abandoned them and they tells you you could buy them from her for $300 a peice is a joke, she abandoned them you owe her no money and have now given her an official letter stating she has 10 days to retreive them, if she doesnt do wha tyou will, you have not and are not being unreasonable, these goats are costing you money to feed groom and keep, and shes taking advantage of that and now wants you to pay her for the privledge ontop...

if it were a dire straights situation shed have been to visit, or at the very least explained her situation and offered to give them to you if theres no way she could keep them...at the very least she should be providing feed and vet care. if you ar eproviding financially for these animals YOU are the legal owner...

give her her 10 days, do NOT feel guilty about this, do not let her try to guilt trip you or pull any bull.
id also call your local animal control or sherif and file some kind of formal abandomenent charges since you do not have a physical adress for her, print out a copy of the email you sent her with her email and the date attatched and have them file that and give them all the dietails, this way if she doesnt respond doesnt come for her animals it goes form a he said she said to a "look i have police documentation" on your part.

i always like to have extra protection when dealing with human beings and any formal complaints on your part to local authorities would go a long way in protecting you should this person decide to be a pain in the butt.
You said she's on your Facebook friends? So you probably know (or can figure out) what town she lives in? Post an ad in the local newspaper for that town or maybe even try an online reverse phone number look-up? That is, if you have her #.

Definitely check with your local police to see what the statutes are. I agree that they would be 'yours' due to abandonment but it would depend on your area as to how long it takes for them to be considered 'abandoned'. You surely don't want this to come back and bite you in the butt...make sure you are doing everything legally.
In addition to sending the email and posting on facebook, be sure to post an ad in your local paper of your intentions. That's the best you can do, since you do not have her address. Then in 10 days, you have yourself some goats.
Why don't you just call the sheriffs office to make sure you have it all covered then either keep them or sell them? Then you would at least have it documented with them that you have given her plenty of time to pick them up!
It's important to post in the local newspaper. It doesn't have to be where she is, but according to most abandonment laws, this is still considered the best way to reach someone. Use her full name and describe the goats by breed only. This is a must, if you want to be completely legal.

Theory is: someone who knows her might see it and tell her. Most states still have laws written this way.

I agree she's taking you for a ride because she's desperate. You have incurred debt (at least in favor, if not in cost) for vet care for the one that passed, you have fed them significantly longer than agreed, and you have not had use of the space they occupy in this duration that has surpassed the original agreement. Furthermore, your time is worth something. You have had to pursue her, care for the goats, clean up after the goats, and more. She has therefore incurred debts to you for the keep of the goats, and you need to have a ready itemized invoice for this- if not to show her or the authorities, just to show yourself the value of your services.

Go through her facebook page to see where she is. Get someone else to friend her to find out for you.

Post in the newspaper, make your invoice, send her the notice if you can find her, and enjoy your new goats!
I've been looking, and it's $40 for 2 days. I'm not sure I want to pay that, especially since I have good evidence that she knows she's supposed to pick up the goats. I did write a letter to the local police detailing the situation, but haven't heard back yet.

Thanks, everyone, for all your help and support in this.

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