Going to build a dog kennel...what's the best type of floor?

Duck Walk, do you ever have a problem with the colored chainlink? I have always fancied that green or black chainlink, but always worried the dogs would chew the coating off somehow. Do you ever have any issues with the pups tearing it up?

that is the regular chain link, not the coated...I would worry about the dogs chewing the coating off too...don't think that would be a good idea...
went back and looked at the pics and I can see why you might think it coated...it is the lighting...and the one with the duckies I have chicken wire j clipped to the bottom to keep the little stinkers from squeezing out...I don't have anyone in the kennel at the moment but once upon a time it was kind of a full house on a daily basis...I still keep it scrubbed up and clean...ready for occupation...
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Oh okay. Sorry, the second picture makes the chainlink was black from the side. So I just figured the front panels were regular and then the others were black. My mistake.

That is quite the nice setup.
thank you...it is really easy to maintain and keep dogs or baby birds like the ducklings clean and secure...

pic of one of the dog houses with one of my Cochin pullets enjoying it...those dog houses I have had for over ten years and they just keep themselves nicely...worth every penny, light, drain holes for cleaning, through and through color so if they chew it doesn't make them look ugly...
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