gold laced silkies?(UPDATED PICS PG4+9, plus pics of new 2nd hatch ??)

Hiya everyone...

I have a concern with one of the chicks
I noticed yesterday that the 2nd chick that hatched, beak is not inline


The chicks beak was not like this for the 1st day... I really dont want it to be cross beak

Is there anything I can do for the little one?? or will it not/get any worse??

Thanks in advance for anyones input
In my limited experience it will get worse
If you don't want to care for a cross beak then it is probably best to cull quickly. I'm sorry.
I have checked the beak, and cannot see anything stuck in there, but it is hard doing it by yourself, will as my partner to help me when he is home from work...
I dont think I could cull it, im such a wimp.. would it live a good life if I left it be???, and obviously would not be mixed with my breeding stock.

I am so upset about this, it seemed perfect until last night
There are others on BYC with cross beak chickens. It can be done. I think it can involve trimming the beak. I'd do a search to see what you can find out. They are both just beautiful, regardless. Congratulations on your hatch of some of the cutest little ones I've seen in some time! <3
If it is a cross beak and not the result of something stuck in the beak, it will only get worse. I'm new to chickens, but one of my EE chicks developed a cross beak at about 5 days. When I first noticed it, it was almost exactly like yours. From what I understand, cross beaks usually don't start to show until about 6 weeks or later, and when they do pop up earlier than that they usually are pretty severe. Since I just got chickens for a few eggs and sort of pets, we are letting our girl go. We keep an eye on her, make sure that there is always food available and that it is deep enough that she can scoop it up, and we'll just see how it goes. If it gets bad enough to where she can't eat or drink on her own, then we will put her down. But until then I see no reason to end her life just because of this deformity (she's not going to be bred and if she can manage to eat and drink it won't affect her ability to lay eggs). I've known parrots who were missing an entire lower or upper beak who lived quite happy lives once they figured out how to eat with the beak. So, if a cross beak can learn how to eat and drink with their wonky beak then they can do just as well as any other chicken.

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