Gold Laced Wyandotte - pullet confirmation & question about age?

Lol! Yes, I prefer the big girl sounds over the cheeps! Lol one of our BO girls is soooooo loud and talkative, all "awwwwk awwwk awwwk" and shes brushed off on the Barred Rock who now does the same. It sounds like they're complaining all the time! 😆 But I'd rather listen to that than the high pitched peeping sound. (Cute as day old chicks and then it loses its cute lol)
Yes the novelty wares off... I bought 2 dixie rainbow meat birds... No idea the age but weight a good 5 lbs each... Their not likt the cornish x.. Been fully feathered fornthe month ivE had eM ARE LARGERthan most of my layers and still chirp. Ixed with like how am I gonna butcher a peeping bird lol!!!!
Yes, it's a girl. Even at 8 weeks.
Her face has a distinct pullet look about it.
See how she grows and get back to us!
Hopefully she'll fill out a bit.
Thank you! Good, that puts my mind at ease. 😊 Since we've got such a small flock, my daughters (7yo and 4yo) as well as myself, get attached to them and its been brutal having to get rid of 3 roos this spring/ 7yo especially, breaks her heart.
Yes the novelty wares off... I bought 2 dixie rainbow meat birds... No idea the age but weight a good 5 lbs each... Their not likt the cornish x.. Been fully feathered fornthe month ivE had eM ARE LARGERthan most of my layers and still chirp. Ixed with like how am I gonna butcher a peeping bird lol!!!!
🤣😂🤣😂 Thats too funny! Yes, the peeping would make butchering seem wrong! Lol! 🤣😂
She looks to be about 8 weeks. I've had gold-laced Wyandotts and they become beautiful hens. Enjoy!
Thank you! ❤
She's so sweet! I finally held her a bit today (didn't want to stress her out even more yesterday, as we had just gotten her.), and she quietly snuggled in and closed her eyes while I petted her 😍

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