Good Grief

My chickens went over to my neighbors yard and pooped on their sidewalk.

So my neighbors came over and made up this story that they put mouse bait around the house....liars.

I checked.

But I was neighborly and have kept my chickens home. Who do they think they are going over there and eating their bugs?

Like we don't have enough in our yard.

These nieghbors don't like mulch because they think it attracts bugs, so they put riverbed rocks around their house. Apparently my chickens were scratching in there...must have had something worth scratchin for.

I have a chicken that is afraid of my kitty slippers. She tried to fight them on Sunday - got all poofed up and hollered at them and fluffed and danced, etc. too funny!
My youngest rooster has a thing for the hens next door. If the neighbor doesn't let them out when Young Roo thinks they should be, he paces the pen, crowing. When they get let out, he spends the afternoon wining and dining them (ahem) and comes home to roost.

It loses something in the translation, but it is funny.
I had a barred rock roo that was touchy about everything. He hated when i wore hats in the winter...i saw the way he looked at me. i used the garbage can lid as a sheild with him.

oh but he was a ladies man. he protected them...found them food...walked them home at night....sired some children. he was a great boy.

thought i saw him and the ladies at a nearby farm...i sold em at auction and went without one fall/winter....well, that didn't last long.

Did I ever tell you guys about my roos obsession with the water dish? No matter how cold outside, he goes out there and stands in the water dish and crows. It is so ridiculous it is hilarious!!! He is always standing in it!!!!
One of my Buff Orp hens saw us pull in the driveway and went commando chicken on us. We stopped in the driveway to wait for the garage door to go up and she ran as fast as she could down along the bushes by the driveway, then made a 90 degree turn and came straight across the driveway at the passenger door. We just sat there laughing at her. Maybe she thought we were coming home with treats.
That is funny - cute too
our chickens!
i have ones that do that too and then the poor hens heads get all wet cuz they are tryin to drink and they get stepped on.

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