Good hens with jumbo eggs?

Leghorns have the personality of A paranoid schizophrenic with an amphetamine habit

I protest. You must not have met anyone with schizophrenia, or you would know they don't use drugs as the terror from their condition is tortuous enough.

Anyway, we're still in possession of eight 3-month-old white leghorns we raised for a neighbor, and they're not so bad.
Definitely on the jumpy side and inclined to get themselves into trouble when startled. But they are docile enough and really nice to each other, no pecking or fighting or hogging feed, and they don't roam far from the coop.
Im thinking about adding 2 hens to the 4 I have. Id like a breed that lays extra large or jumbo eggs ane is friendly to be added to our very mellow flock.
Isa Browns or White Leghorns. Leghorns have the personality of A paranoid schizophrenic with an amphetamine habit, so you can't say I didn't warn you. I have two currently. Isa Browns lay almost as many eggs and are generally sweet birds but as I've seen and read multiple times they essentially will not defend themselves if your flock has A "Bully". So pick your tradeoff.
Nope still don't agree..... leghorns aren't ever going to be lap chickens but they aren't the mental units if treated right..... they have a great personality. But I agree they aren't a docile Wyandotte or orp
I'm pretty uniform and consistent about how I deal with my birds, neither leghorn has warmed or mellowed even slightly. Exactly what I was told to expect by multiple people and sources. When you push towards "Exceptional" you can expect some nasty tradeoffs, and white leghorns are exceptional at one thing at the costs of the rest. The white subset of leghorns produces large eggs at A fast pace and consumes less food doing it, "Corporate" breeding to maximize output and cut costs absolutely worked with the Isa Brown too but some of the personality didn't wind up on the cutting room floor.
90% of mine will eat from my hand but really hate to be handled in any way shape or form. They are generally quiet.
That being said I don't have production white leghorns. I have other colors

My experience with Isa browns is they are bullies and love nothing more than continuous father pulling of each other. They also have horrible feather quality and always look tatty at the expense of being great layers.

But hey each to their own :thumbsup
My Australorps follow me around like puppies, my Bresse and "Mystery Hen" are completely indifferent to me unless I have food and my gold sex links are passively curious but still friendly.

Yours is only the second time I have heard Isa's called bullies. The other was A youtuber. The feedback has gone the other way when I went looking. Perhaps your's had A bit more Rhode Island Red mixed in than typical.
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Second the Golden Comet. Our two (currently 14 months old) lay jumbo or larger every single day.
Does quantity of eggs matter or just size?
With 6 adults living in my house big eggs daily would be great but probably unrealistic. Our 4 hens are pets first and our yard is not huge. We could add 2 hens but that's it.
Don't forget that hens who lay super sized eggs often suffer from laying related issues.
Being new to chicken owner, I didn't think of that. Maybe I'll just not worry about the bigger egg size and just get regular everyday hens like I have. They've been supplying me with plenty of good eggs on a very regular basis. They are very friendly and easy to care for. We love them.

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