Good hens with jumbo eggs?

I'm pretty uniform and consistent about how I deal with my birds, neither leghorn has warmed or mellowed even slightly. Exactly what I was told to expect by multiple people and sources. When you push towards "Exceptional" you can expect some nasty tradeoffs, and white leghorns are exceptional at one thing at the costs of the rest. The white subset of leghorns produces large eggs at A fast pace and consumes less food doing it, "Corporate" breeding to maximize output and cut costs absolutely worked with the Isa Brown too but some of the personality didn't wind up on the cutting room floor.
90% of mine will eat from my hand but really hate to be handled in any way shape or form. They are generally quiet.
That being said I don't have production white leghorns. I have other colors

My experience with Isa browns is they are bullies and love nothing more than continuous father pulling of each other. They also have horrible feather quality and always look tatty at the expense of being great layers.

But hey each to their own :thumbsup
About half of my Australorps lay big eggs. Both of my French Cuckoo Marans do too.

But my consistent size champion is my California White -- near-daily giving me a 65g egg even in her second year.

The CW is not cuddly and hates to be held, but she's not crazy either. I'd call her active and inquisitive.
I wanted to get some CWs but at the time I did not want to add 10-15 chicks, nobody who would ship 3-5 birds had any available.
I've heard that mincoras lay large eggs, but also that they are flighty.
*I haven't had either breed, this is just what I have heard

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