Good news... & bad news... post yours...

Good news: I have a job
Bad news: At least until the new payroll.
Good news I have been on vacation!
Bad news they had a waterspout and funnel clouds in Carolina/Kure Beach while I was there.
Even better news is I survived it all with no damage and had a good time.
Good News- A wild ? Turkey hen showed up at my chicken pen today. I have no idea on her breed, but she looks like wild turkey photos. She flew into the pen and drank a lot of water, ate and now is just hanging out with the chickens.

Bad News- We are so broke.
Good news Moms blood test came back great (Doc said a 22 year old would be happy and she is 87)

Bad news 1) we have a commercial water heater that needs repair-boss is plumber and I have an idiot tenant who is hopping mad that I did not give him notice it would break down....(like the water heater called me to say it felt like breaking....)

Bad news 2) different tenant is mad cause she is not more important than bad news #1 and has to wait to have her very minor fix, fixed....
Good news: we're trying to buy the forclosed land next to us....... bad news: with the market so crappy, we have no equity in our own home to get the land. Good news: no one else wants to buy the place in forclosure at the asking price...... Bad news: Bank won't combine the properties to allow us to finance it... I could go on... we could and have been approved financing on the forclosure, but because it's seperate parcels, the bank won't give us the loan and the owning bank won't combine the parcels. We're so stuck on this........ This would give us 14.2 more acres to add to our 10.7 acres and will maintain our privacy.

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