Good vibes in Colorado: Now the Bungie & Uno story

I put them in the tub (water only in half of it) to play. JJ TOTALLY spazzed out running from one side of the tub to the other and played so hard she was pooped out in 2 minutes. Poor Bungie was trying to stay by her side the whole time. I was thinking about just putting JJ in because JJ is a week old and Bungie is only a couple of days old, but I figured they would freak out away from each other.

Also, while at Big R getting Bungie, I noticed all the ducklings were floating in the water dish and having a ball. Since I was there to supervise, it was easier to just put them both in together.

Congrats on getting JJ an little buddy to socialize with. Really cute pics there of the two together. and WELCOME Bungie!! Can't wait to get my new duckies..
DIgital camera + splashing ducks + clutzy duck-mom = dangerous combination LOL

Maybe I will brave it during tomorrows tub time.
You can't be worse than me. It took me until yesterday to get an avatar and I still can't figure out how to post a picture. I am technologically deficient. So I think that you are an absolute wizard with all the pics you've shared!
Keep up the good work!
They eat peas*, french green beans*, cabbage, leaf lettuce and strawberries. The do NOT like carrots* or alfalfa sprouts.

*(they were small thawed out frozen veggies so softer)

Caught duck fever huh? LOLOL
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I think all ducks hate carrots... I'll mix yogurt, chopped up carrots, peas, etc together, and those sneaky snakes figure out how to eat all the peas, and the YOGURT withOUT eating the carrots. lol...

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