Goose Incubation & Hatching Guide - Completed!!!!

The only thing I found hard to understand was the timescales, my goose was internally pipping for at least 18 hrs before I intervened and a further 33 hrs before I helped him out of his shell...I trusted my gut feeling but how long I should have left it was a question I couldn't find an answer to
Thank you so much for this! I was wondering if anyone has used or is currently using the Brinsea Ovascope for candling and checking egg progression. I just ordered one. I have been using incu-bright lights but find they are not always bright enough with goose eggs. Nothing is too good for the kids, though. Thanks for any comments.

A standard good quality pen torch should be adequate although mine is a LED mains candler.

Hi. I think mine is called an LED Egglux but also mains operated with adapter. Here's a picture of it and in use which might help you.

I am going to order one. I have a Welch-Allyn exam light about that size that is pretty bright that goes with an otoscope/ophthalmoscope I use for medical and veterinary purposes. I can probably use that until the Pennlux arrives. Thanks again, Pete.

Your work is fantastic. remindes me of a textbook. Im incubating and hatching because something always get the eggs. last year we were excited cause mama goose had 12. them in one night.

Once hatched how come such a small area. is that why mine wobbles and falls over.
Your article was a very fascinating read. I have a question for you and hope you get back with me ASAP.
I have a goose egg that was peeping and appeared to be stuck. I chipped away some of the egg last night. This morning, it was the same as I left it. I pulled away a little more of the egg and a tiny bit of the membrane and it started bleeding. I put it back in the bater but it really scared me. What do I do now? Do you think it will be ok? Thanks for any help you can give me .

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