Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long


So, I was just out back, playing with the hennies and geese (feed time is fun time)... And thought I'd be sneaky and steal one of Goosie's eggs, brought it inside and candled it.

Inside was...


That being said, I have NO idea how old these eggs are. We are storming like a mad dog, have yet to see Goosie actually sit for any period of time, so I wonder... Should I put them in the incubator, or let them go?

I put the egg back just in case...

As long as the nest isn't getting flooded I'd let momma keep doing what she's doing.
P, sorry your last hatch are having a tough start. I hobble with a 1/4" or so strip of vet wrap towards the lower part of the leg.
they get their legs under them soon!
P, sorry your last hatch are having a tough start. I hobble with a 1/4" or so strip of vet wrap towards the lower part of the leg.
they get their legs under them soon!
ok, now how do I keep them from flipping on their sides?? Little brats

loosened them a bit now they're upright
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Somone on here mentioned the deep litter method for geese. I have been reading threads about it, it seems the key to this method is dryness. How do you keep goose bedding dry enough to use this method, their poop is very wet and liquidie. And I still provide a watered inside, I find it has been drank from every morning and don't want them to dehydrate. They always make a wet mess around the waterer, how can you keep that area dry enough for deep litter?
Somone on here mentioned the deep litter method for geese. I have been reading threads about it, it seems the key to this method is dryness. How do you keep goose bedding dry enough to use this method, their poop is very wet and liquidie. And I still provide a watered inside, I find it has been drank from every morning and don't want them to dehydrate. They always make a wet mess around the waterer, how can you keep that area dry enough for deep litter?
I do deep litter in all my houses chickens. ducks and geese but i don't put food and water inside after 3 weeks of age, i figure at night when it's dark they are sleeping. But what will work to some degree is take half a dog crate the solid plastic kind put shaving or horse pellets i saw it with horse pellets and if i can find the pic I'll bring it here. but anyway put a layer of horse pellets or shaving inside the crate about mid way inside place the pot of bucket what ever you using in there that way the water is contained to the crate place food close by but not inside the crate with the water. I love deep litter and have used it for many years. I just scoop off the poop fluff the litter that's it. replace as needed.
make sure what you are putting the water is has a heavy enough bottom it can't be knocked over.
I do deep litter in all my houses chickens. ducks and geese but i don't put food and water inside after 3 weeks of age, i figure at night when it's dark they are sleeping. But what will work to some degree is take half a dog crate the solid plastic kind put shaving or horse pellets i saw it with horse pellets and if i can find the pic I'll bring it here. but anyway put a layer of horse pellets or shaving inside the crate about mid way inside place the pot of bucket what ever you using in there that way the water is contained to the crate place food close by but not inside the crate with the water. I love deep litter and have used it for many years. I just scoop off the poop fluff the litter that's it. replace as needed. :) make sure what you are putting the water is has a heavy enough bottom it can't be knocked over. 

Ty. I'm not too worried about food as I will stop putting food in once the youngest batch is at least partially feathered. But my geese drink a ton of water, I think it's due to how hot it is in Texas. Even the nights are warm.

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