Got a green one!

Mrs. K

Crossing the Road
14 Years
Nov 12, 2009
western South Dakota
I was given a bunch of fertilized eggs, one was green. I put them under a broody hen last July. They started laying yesterday, either I had the same pullet lay two days running, as there was a green one this morning, (I had an open house at school, and did not gather eggs last night) and another tonight, or I have two of my pullets laying green eggs. Three pullet eggs, a tan, and two green. I do have 3 pullets, but I didn't expect them to be daily layers right away.

Life is always fun, with chickens!
Thanks - you know this is ridiculous fun! I mean, I have had chickens going on 5 years, and still I am as excited with these new eggs, as with the first! This is my first easter egger. My kids at school were amazed with the green egg shell.
I actually had a group of older (past middle-aged) ladies in awe of my flock's green eggs. They had never heard of such a thing outside Dr. Suess' "Green Eggs and Ham". They actually wondered if EEs were the inspiration for his book. It was very cute.

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