got a new puppy and going to do this right

Ok here is a update of what he has learned.
he knows voice and finger comands of sit and lay down,
we are working on leash walking know he also knows come and I am also teaching him focus. here is one of my questions. yesterday my neighbors came (my dogs two favorite people in the world) and they started barking and then my puppy, (we named him romeo, romy for short) started barking too, I think because he saw that the big girls were barking so he wanted to join in. but I quickly redirected him to look at me and sit and when he looked away I asked him focus and when he looked back I would reward him. am I doing the right thing? and also I am just wanting some tips on leash training because he already walks really well . Thanks
Ok here is a update of what he has learned.
he knows voice and finger comands of sit and lay down,
we are working on leash walking know he also knows come and I am also teaching him focus. here is one of my questions. yesterday my neighbors came (my dogs two favorite people in the world) and they started barking and then my puppy, (we named him romeo, romy for short) started barking too, I think because he saw that the big girls were barking so he wanted to join in. but I quickly redirected him to look at me and sit and when he looked away I asked him focus and when he looked back I would reward him. am I doing the right thing? and also I am just wanting some tips on leash training because he already walks really well . Thanks
Leash training? Which parts? Do you want tips on?
well I'm just wondering because he is already so good on the leash and does not bark at dogs on walks. should I just reward him for being good or should I try training heel and stuff. also we are probaly going to get him professionally trained. also he is very obedient as well.
You should teach him slow down and to sit at walk ways but always reward good behavior.
Ok here is a update of what he has learned.
he knows voice and finger comands of sit and lay down,
we are working on leash walking know he also knows come and I am also teaching him focus. here is one of my questions. yesterday my neighbors came (my dogs two favorite people in the world) and they started barking and then my puppy, (we named him romeo, romy for short) started barking too, I think because he saw that the big girls were barking so he wanted to join in. but I quickly redirected him to look at me and sit and when he looked away I asked him focus and when he looked back I would reward him. am I doing the right thing? and also I am just wanting some tips on leash training because he already walks really well . Thanks
Sounds good to me!
Just a quick question, are you rewarding with treats? I don't like treat training, I prefer to reward with praise. This is why-
My trainer once told me a story about his dad and his dog Marco.
His dad let Marco out of the truck at the rest area to go potty, and the dog saw a rabbit and took off across the field. The rabbit ran around the fence and into the busy highway. The dog was in hot pursuit. The handler yelled to Marco, "Marco! Stop, down!". Guess what that dog did? Even in hot pursuit of a rabbit, the dog screeched to a halt and into the down position in the field. He them called him back, and Marco listened.
Had that dog been trained with treats he would have been thinking in that moment, "cookie, or rabbit? Cookie or rabbit?" Rabbit will always win. You want reward with praise so instead of saying, heres your reward, your showing them what you don't want them to do (check chain correction, or as you did here applying another command when necssasary) then "rewarding" with praise to show them what you do want to do. Dogs aim to please, and they will figure it out quickly this way. Then the command becomes a command, not a trick that they get a cookie for.
Does that make sense? Sounds like your doing a great job! Your definitely on the right track. :D
Sounds good to me!
Just a quick question, are you rewarding with treats? I don't like treat training, I prefer to reward with praise. This is why-
My trainer once told me a story about his dad and his dog Marco.
His dad let Marco out of the truck at the rest area to go potty, and the dog saw a rabbit and took off across the field. The rabbit ran around the fence and into the busy highway. The dog was in hot pursuit. The handler yelled to Marco, "Marco! Stop, down!". Guess what that dog did? Even in hot pursuit of a rabbit, the dog screeched to a halt and into the down position in the field. He them called him back, and Marco listened.
Had that dog been trained with treats he would have been thinking in that moment, "cookie, or rabbit? Cookie or rabbit?" Rabbit will always win. You want reward with praise so instead of saying, heres your reward, your showing them what you don't want them to do (check chain correction, or as you did here applying another command when necssasary) then "rewarding" with praise to show them what you do want to do. Dogs aim to please, and they will figure it out quickly this way. Then the command becomes a command, not a trick that they get a cookie for.
Does that make sense? Sounds like your doing a great job! Your definitely on the right track. :D
I do not train with treats. usually I will just give him lots of pets and reward him that way. but I do sometimes reward him with treats. not usually though.
Sounds good to me!
Just a quick question, are you rewarding with treats? I don't like treat training, I prefer to reward with praise. This is why-
My trainer once told me a story about his dad and his dog Marco.
His dad let Marco out of the truck at the rest area to go potty, and the dog saw a rabbit and took off across the field. The rabbit ran around the fence and into the busy highway. The dog was in hot pursuit. The handler yelled to Marco, "Marco! Stop, down!". Guess what that dog did? Even in hot pursuit of a rabbit, the dog screeched to a halt and into the down position in the field. He them called him back, and Marco listened.
Had that dog been trained with treats he would have been thinking in that moment, "cookie, or rabbit? Cookie or rabbit?" Rabbit will always win. You want reward with praise so instead of saying, heres your reward, your showing them what you don't want them to do (check chain correction, or as you did here applying another command when necssasary) then "rewarding" with praise to show them what you do want to do. Dogs aim to please, and they will figure it out quickly this way. Then the command becomes a command, not a trick that they get a cookie for.
I don't agree with that. I know several dogs who have been trained with balanced training (treats and corrections) who perform the exact same way (and happen to excel in obedience and in the field. I can pull them up later to show titles but I don't remember reg names). It's not 'cookie or rabbit' its 'do I have the impulse control and bond with my handler to listen right now'.
I don't agree with that. I know several dogs who have been trained with balanced training (treats and corrections) who perform the exact same way (and happen to excel in obedience and in the field. I can pull them up later to show titles but I don't remember reg names). It's not 'cookie or rabbit' its 'do I have the impulse control and bond with my handler to listen right now'.
In **my opinion**, the best way to train is by communicating to your dog what is good and what is not good. When raising a kid, would you ever only tell them what they're doing well and NEVER ask to change anything? Because dogs and people don't speak the same language, it's a little tougher. Figure out what motivates your dog (a toy? a treat? a game of tug? Praise?) and then mark and reward anything that it does well with that. When your dog does something wrong, give a correction to mark the incorrect behavior. When done correctly, this is communicating to your dog 'this is what I want you to do, you're doing well' and 'this is what I don't want you to do, change it'.
I don't agree with that. I know several dogs who have been trained with balanced training (treats and corrections) who perform the exact same way (and happen to excel in obedience and in the field. I can pull them up later to show titles but I don't remember reg names). It's not 'cookie or rabbit' its 'do I have the impulse control and bond with my handler to listen right now'.
I agree with both statments. I do, do treat training for the very fist start of a comand but then I will start to just praise him and the bit of treat training

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