Got bite by my cockerel

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Aug 31, 2018
i was just checking my hens we’re alright in my chicken house and the cockerel went and pecked my hand real hard leaving my hand bleeding and the skin puntured. I have put Savlon on it and rinsed the wound but I’m worried about infection.

Have any of you ever been bitten by your cock and should I do anything?
Been bitten many times and aside from being just as weird as I was- no ill effects. I will tell you a Rooster like that though doesn't last past his second bite in my household.
Ok thanks we’re these cuts like bleeding? So basically more than a prick on the skin
i was just checking my hens we’re alright in my chicken house and the cockerel went and pecked my hand real hard leaving my hand bleeding and the skin puntured. I have put Savlon on it and rinsed the wound but I’m worried about infection.

Have any of you ever been bitten by your cock and should I do anything?
As long as you cleaned it properly before you put the Savlon on I think you'll be fine.;)
You'll need to be very aware of him from this point on. He will fly up to your face and try to spur you. Or come at you from behind. You'll want to carry a stick, or broom handle in with you to keep him at bay (if you plan on keeping him). Mine went to freezer camp.
That’s a shame my cocks fine though, I rarely go in the hen house when he’s in and he’s tried to do it before but got me this time
As long as you've stopped the bleeding I'm sure you will be fine.
I don't have chickens personally but I've never heard of anyone catching anything serious from a bird peck.
I've had some pretty nasty bites from parakeets that never got infected. . but Those are inside birds.
Just put antibiotic cream on it and watch it for a couple days.
I also agree with the above posts. . I wouldn't keep him around if this behavior is becoming the norm.
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