Got chicken stories?

So, my brother goes to school while I'm homeschooled. So I was feeding my rabbits and my hens this morning, and his friends come to pick him up for school, and lo and behold, in the middle of our driveway is my BR Snap. And she's just standing there not even moving for the car to come through!! Silly bird! If they hadn't of seen her, well then she'd have been toast.
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Or a chicken waffle!!! LOL That's cute!

So yesterday we made some changes to our chicken yard and basically closed off one half of the house and opened up the other. Well it took all night and morning for the rooster to notice and now that he has he has spent the last full HOUR making that "look I found something" Rooster noise! All the hens are looking at him like old news!
i used to have a chick, cinnamon, who would sleepcheep. One night there was a huge thunderstorm and I was watching the weather, when I heard little cinnamon cheeping. so I crept over to their brooder and all three chicks in the brooder were fast asleep. then, I heard cinnamon cheep again, but she was still as stone. then I figured out that she was sleepcheeping! cinnamon was a Plymoth partridge rock, and i also have a PPR who sleepcheeped, so I think that it is something that only certain breeds do. when I got my chicks, the seller said that PPRs were special breeds. he was right!
sadly, though, cinnamon hurt her leg and died. rip, cinnamon
Awwww Yes rest in peace little cinnamon! May you keep all the inhabitants of chicken heaven awake with your persistent sleepcheeping!
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Aw, that is so cute! And so sorry about her. :(
i used to have a chick, cinnamon, who would sleepcheep. One night there was a huge thunderstorm and I was watching the weather, when I heard little cinnamon cheeping. so I crept over to their brooder and all three chicks in the brooder were fast asleep. then, I heard cinnamon cheep again, but she was still as stone. then I figured out that she was sleepcheeping! cinnamon was a Plymoth partridge rock, and i also have a PPR who sleepcheeped, so I think that it is something that only certain breeds do. when I got my chicks, the seller said that PPRs were special breeds. he was right!
sadly, though, cinnamon hurt her leg and died. rip, cinnamon
I am so sorry!

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