Got chicken stories?

Aw, I'm sorry The4Chickeneerrs.

So last night I decided to check on the chicks' in their room before I went to bed. I counted: 1...2...3..- Where was Pippy??? I knew multiple times Pippy has flown on the top of the brooder, and once (when I was watching her) she slipped and landed out. So, I went on a hunt for her, and sure enough there she was sleeping under a bed. XD
Love this thread! I've got a few stories.

Okay, so a while ago, I had two little chicks. I kept them in an unfinished basement right outside the room with the water heater. One of them was constantly getting out of the brooder (Kay), and the other one was perfectly happy in the brooder (Dayday). So one day, I went to check on them. Kay was just sitting in the brooder looking all lost and lonely, and I couldn't find Dayday. I kept hearing her peep, but couldn't find her. I looked around for hours. Finally, I lifted an empty upside-down bowl, and there she was.
I think she probably was sitting on the end of the bowl, and it flipped over on top of her. Sure did scare me though, at first I thought maybe one of the cats had gotten her.
So the other day I was outside and heard one of the little chicks I have out screaming and I looked over into there pen and saw her running around in big circles! I went closer to investigate why this chick was so upset and saw that it was running away from a ball of hay twine!.......That was stuck to it's own foot! On top of that all the other chicks were chasing the other one to try and "steal" the "mysterious bug" away from her! Eventually it fell off and good thing to 'cause I was to busy laughing to help get it off!
So the other day I was outside and heard one of the little chicks I have out screaming and I looked over into there pen and saw her running around in big circles! I went closer to investigate why this chick was so upset and saw that it was running away from a ball of hay twine!.......That was stuck to it's own foot! On top of that all the other chicks were chasing the other one to try and "steal" the "mysterious bug" away from her! Eventually it fell off and good thing to 'cause I was to busy laughing to help get it off!

I posted a reply on the album with my blue cochin who has mites(?) please see what you think. I am going to investigate her again

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