Got chicks on Wed...3 have already died. :(

I think the heat lamp may be the issue---I found IMO that 91 ( even thought the "books" and "experts") say higher temps--that 91 degrees is too much--especially this time of year...I think they are getting too hot...try without--and if you need to you can always go back to the lamp...But I think if you take it away you will see it will help. I had my lamp on my "babies for the first few days at exactly what "experts" say and they were not happy--I went with my gut--took it completely off of them and they thrived...they did not have a heat lamp whatsoever from 3 days on...and they are now almost 4 months old and in outside coop and run. So if I can take a heat lamp off of 12 pullets in May--I think it's safe to say you can now...Just watch them--and you will know...Good luck...
Thank you so much! I will take it off right away!! This is my first time with baby chicks. All of the other chickens we have we got when they were at least 4-6 weeks old. I'm learning as I go, and like you said...I read that they needed to be that warm. I started out at around 100 degrees, but I dropped it down to 91 b/c I could tell they weren't doing well. They have been at 91 for 2 days. I'll take it off completely, though. Fyi - they are inside our a/c'd house, so the outdoor temps don't really play into my equation.
I've used a few hatcheries and by far Meyer is my favorite. I've never had a problem with them. But keep in mind that most hatcheries recommend that you order 25% more chicks than you want to accommodate for losses. That's not to say that 25% of your chicks will die but they account for predation too. 3 of 25 dying is an acceptable loss imo. Meyer should give you credit for the one that was DOA if you notified them right away about it.

eta: Oh and in the summer my chicks will get a 60-75 watt bulb in their lamp and I never let it go above 80* in summer.
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I turned it off, and within 5 minutes all of the non broilers were all huddled in a thick pile (broilers are in a different brooder box). I was afraid the chicks on the bottom of the pile would suffocate, so I turned it back on. *sigh* I don't know....
How big is your brooder? Is there room for them to have a choice to be under the lamp or far away if they choose?
The area around my lamp is 75-80 degrees. Directly under the lamp it is 90 and up. My babies have a 2 x 4 foot space to roam though and they often stay in the cool area.

Check for pasty butts and wash them off if they have them.

If your area is a small box and not room for them to get away from the heat, but they still need heat, make sure the heat lamp is all the way to one end or corner and not close down on them.
This may seem simple but it worked for me.

We just got our first run of baby chicks two weeks ago (15 Barred Rocks)
They all seemed healthy but after two days in the brooder 1 had died and another was fading fast. I had an uncle who had raised alot of chickens come over and take a look. He suggested that we take the slide off lid on the small feeder off. It was one of the longer metal feed trays with 6-8 cutouts for their heads.

He said chicks like to get right into their food and scratch. The prognosis...not eating enough. I did it and BLAM no more problems, the 13 remaining are now growing like weeds.

He also suggested that we handle them as little as possible for about the 1st week. The little ladies have been through alot and need to adjust to their surroundings. The constant handling and fussing can get them upset and cause them not to eat.
I hate those stinking heat lamps. I broke down & bought the big eco brooder made by Brinsea. I love it you can adjust it as they grow are have one side higher than the other its the ticket. I would agree with the chick saver & I also add a little Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar as well. I had some quail that were just hatched & had wry neck & I was culling at first .I then isolated some others & added the ACV & chick saver & sure enough 3 days later they were fine. Added them back to their covey. Good luck!!!
I had bought some babies back in June...they are 10 weeks now, I didn't use the heat at all, it was so warm outside..they didn't need it.

I also mix water with the starter/grower and they ate it like crazy...try that and remove the tray...see what happens
We lost 3 in the first week. 2 were just too stupid to eat or drink and were euthanized when they got weaker and still wouldn't start. The 3rd was lost to unknown causes. Possibly got suffocated as we had a very cold snap when we first got them and couldn't get our "brooder" hot enough. They were huddled almost constantly.

They are pretty frail creatures when they are that young. Probably not unusual to lose a couple.
I forgot about that--I agree with Irich Cluck--if they can't get to their feed take the top of the feder tray off-so they can eat better they may be having hard time with that...but also I tried to handle them as little as possible the first week--I checked for pasty but--but that was it...hands off...I got 16 from feed store (they had them shipped from Texas) and I did not have one casuality. Also Sav-A-Chick is a good idea...I used it for maybe first month--just to be on safe side..Also keep some on hand even with them being outside for really hot or stressful times. Hope all is well..

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