Got me a Java "pic"

Gold Bar Ranch. DE is good for some things, but I've not found it to be very helpful in my area and with the amount of birds I have.... So I use Safeguard or Ivomectrian.

Destin, I'll keep a look out for a hen for you. I only have Spauldings and those are males. My friend has a pair, but I don't know for sure if she knows they are pure Java or not. I'm seeing if they lay well for her this year. You can check with BoggyBottomBantams in GA , he is selling off all his and they are nice birds.
I was waiting forever to reply to this topic! I would view this from school but I couldn't acces my account (my computer died) so finally now that I have a new computer I can comment...

Anyways I LOVE your green! He is so beautiful! If you ever are able to find a girl for him and have peachicks I would definately love to get one lol. Where did you get him at? I am always thinking about getting greens but they are pretty expensive.
Really ? well thats a bummer... She does have yellow around her eyes must be lighting ,I will take a close up asap. She is a sweetheart anyways. I bought her as a Java green and the male as a Indian Blue.
Your picture of the Java green peahen Marilyn looks identical to the 12 India Blue 2 year old hens I raised,,hmmmm?

So you think my Marilyn is a Indian blue ? Like my Marley? I was told my peacock was called a black shoulder ? wow know I really dont know what I got lol please help me figure it out
Your peacock is a yearling IB black shoulder. You should go ahead and put them together if they are not already. You will not get any fertile eggs this year, but they will get acquainted. They will produce IB babies that are split to blackshoulder. I honestly do not see any Java/green in the peahen at all.
destinduck & MinxFox, if you know anyone in NW Florida that is looking for some extra males I have some. I am taking the yearling greens, whites and pieds to auction this weekend if I don't get any takers today or tomorrow. I am also taking the giant spaulding that I have. Time to make some pen room for some new stuff.
@ AugeredIn :What does IB stand for? Is that indian blue ? So my girl is ? And my boy ? So these two will make? also do you have any pictures of your pens you can share
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IB stands for India Blue.

AugeredIn: The peafowl you are getting rid of sounds tempting. I keep thinking about getting a pied peacock for my lone pied peahen. I was really dissapointed after Dragon died since he was my only pied peacock. Also green peafowl are on my list for what I want...What kind of greens do you have? Are they Javanese? Do you have some unrelated yearlings? I don't know if my parents would let me get any more peafowl right now but I am always interested in what people have for sale around here. I don't know of anyone interested in peacocks right now, but I will ask my dad. Sometimes he knows of someone interested in getting a peacock.
Edit: Okay I just talked to my mom and she thought it was interesting that you have some yearling greens for sale. She knows I have been interested in some for a while. We would like to know the price you would be selling those yearling greens for and maybe if you have a photo of them or the parents that would be cool too.
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