Got my coffee, a donut, and a happy song in my head....

You can send the money directly to Rob for the "Platnuim" badge.

spelling not withstanding.
I had a friend with an apothecary shop who would give me coloidal silver in a mug and do reiki on me when my tonsils flared up. Always worked like a charm. She had a basket of worry rocks in the conversation area of the shop too. I wasnt allowed to touch them, I made them too hot.
Interview begins at 10:00 and goes till about 12:30. I have to take a couple of tests before the actual face to face part. My mom assures me that if she can pass the tests I will be fine. I'm pretty sure they've revamped the tests in the last 9 years but didn't want to bust her bubble.
Be sure to tell them that not having 4 BYC awards under your avatar in no way indicates inferiority as a person or as a potential employee. *

*Even though it does...
Yes, and your punctuation keys work too.

Boo, I didn't realize that you and I joined BYC a month apart, ALL THOSE YEARS ago.

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Be sure to tell them that not having 4 BYC awards under your avatar in no way indicates inferiority as a person or as a potential employee. *

*Even though it does...

I don't think chickens or BYC will get brought up first time around. Maybe if I get a callback tho.

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