Got my first broody and put 4 eggs under her!


Clover Field Farm
9 Years
May 18, 2010
Pottstown, PA
So my serama hen went broody and I happened to have a shipment of eggs come in the next day. She had been broody for 2 days at that poing so I went ahead and put 4 serama eggs from a breeder under her. This is my first clutch using a broody and her first clutch and I am very nervous!

I now have her seperated in a brooder with her nest, eggs, and a food and h2o bowl within reach. I am going to candle today (day 7) and see if anyone is growing in there!

Good luck! We are on day 19 with my first-time broody, too. There have been lots of little hiccups in the process, so we will see if we get chicks from the remaining two eggs. We saw the babies moving when we candled a couple days ago. Good luck!

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